
*底線為聯合國會員國。梵蒂岡和巴勒斯坦為聯合國觀察員國。科索沃共和國獲得98個聯合國會員國承認,並已與90個國家建立外交關係。 Underlines are UN member states. Vatican and Palestine are UN observer states. Republic of Kosovo has received diplomatic recognition from 98 UN member states and has established diplomatic relations with 90 nations.

*南極條約擱置各國對南緯60°以南的所有陸地和冰架的領土要求。 Antarctic Treaty sets aside sovereignty claims for land and ice shelves south of 60 degrees South.

*法屬南部領地包括阿黛利地(南極洲領地)、克羅澤群島、阿姆斯特丹島、聖保羅島、凱爾蓋朗群島、法屬印度洋諸島包括印度礁、歐羅巴島、格洛里厄斯群島、新胡安島、特羅姆蘭島。 French Southern Territories consist of Adélie Land, Crozet Islands, Île Amsterdam, Île Saint-Paul, Kerguelen Islands, and scattered islands in the Indian Ocean (Îles Éparses) which include Bassas da India, Europa Island, Glorioso Islands, Juan de Nova Island, Tromelin Island.

*美國本土外小島嶼包括在太平洋的約翰斯頓環礁、中途島、威克島,原屬「美屬太平洋群島」的貝克島、豪蘭島、賈維斯島、金曼礁、巴爾米拉環礁,和在加勒比海的納瓦薩島。 United States Minor Outlying Islands consist of islands in Pacific include Johnston Island, Midway Islands, Wake Island, once grouped into "U.S. Miscellaneous Pacific Islands" include Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Kingman Reef, Palmyra Atoll, and Navassa Island in the Caribbean Sea.

*特里斯坦-達庫尼亞包括戈夫島、伊納克塞瑟布爾島、南丁格爾群島。 Tristan da Cunha includes Gough Island, Inaccessible Island, and Nightingale Islands.


*西屬主權地包括胡塞馬群島、舍法林群島、戈梅拉島。 Plazas de soberanía (literally "places of sovereignty") includes Alhucemas, Chafarinas, Vélez de la Gomera.