North Muskham Population 2001-2021

Population figures for years 2001, 2011 and 2021 are actual Census counts, for other years the numbers are ONS estimates.

Over the past 20 years North Muskham's population size has scarcely changed - the Census figures from 2001, 2011 and 2021 (as well as the intervening annual estimates, apart from inexplicable blips in 2004 and 2017) point to a population of just under 1000 throughout the period. However, the population structure has changed massively.

The village expanded during the 1960s-1980s when a substantial number of young families moved to new build areas in the village, liked it and stayed. Mostly, their children have left

Over the period 2001-2021, the overall village population scarcely changed. The graph and data in the population pyramid show that its 20-59 proportion has decreased substantially, the 0-19 proportion decreased slightly, and the proportion of ‘older’ people (World Health Organisation defines of ‘old’ as 60+) has increased dramatically, especially at 75+. It is hard to see these trends changing. 

Residents presently in the top 3 rows of the 20-59 segment of the pyramid will - over the next 15 years and assuming ‘normal’ mortality – move into the 60-74 age group.

The already relatively low numbers of ‘young family’ age will add fewer children to the pyramid. It seems probable that those presently in the 0-19 cohort at the bottom of the pyramid are the children of parents now in the 45-59 age group – will they stay or will they also go?