

Graphing and Types of Graphs

Go to the following link Click on the link Create a Graph Tutorial and then How to Choose Which Type of Graph to Use?

Answer the following questions on a piece of paper:

When do you use a line graph?

When do you use a bar graph?

When do you use a pie chart?

Why do you think you need a legend on your graph?

Click on Fun Graphing Exercise and complete the activity.

Fun Graphing Exercise!

Learn About Your School!

    • Go to and select whether you go to a private or public school by clicking on the correct category.
    • Click on your state and then click on the letter your city begins with. Find your city and click on it. Then scroll through the list of schools until you find yours. Click on your school.
    • Look at Enrollment by race/ethnicity and see how it is represented in a pie chart.
    • Write down the information under Enrollment by Grade, recording how many students are in each grade.
    • Then go to the Create-A-Graph and use the information you recorded to make your own graph showing how many students are in each grade at your school. What is the best graph to use? Try using different kinds of graphs.