Fluency Folder

We are very excited about starting our Fluency Folders! Fluency is the ability to read a text accurately and quickly while using expression. Fluency is important,because it allows students to focus on making meaning rather than devoting time and energy to sounding out words. Fluency can be developed and improved by modelingfluent reading and by engaging students in repeated oral reading.

Each week, I will be sending home a short story for your child to practice. Each short story will be taught during the day at school. Please follow these directions when the Fluency Folder comes home on Monday. Please return the binder on Friday.

    • Read the short story to your child to demonstrate what a fluent reader sounds like. They will get a kick out of this!
    • Read the short story together with your child. (Read it at a normal pace. Do not slow down to let your child “keep up” with you. Reading should match our normalspeech rate. It should reflect the way we talk. For example: We… don’t… talk… like… this… so…. we… don’t… want… to… read… like… this… either!)
    • Listen as your child reads the short story to you 2 times. Remind your reader to practice the “focus” for this week (expression & volume, phrasing, pace, or smoothness). These elements of fluency are explained on the Fluency Folder Resource Sheet.
    • Please take the time to sign the “Lucky Listener” sheet, and send the Fluency Folder back to school every Friday!

Thank you in advance for all of the time you spend reading with your child! Thanks for joining me in this journey toward becoming better, more fluent readers!

Courtesy of © Amanda Nickerson