Minutes Feb 2020

MCRTA Minutes

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Jo Weddle, President, called the February meeting to order at the Indiana University Musical Art Center on Thursday, February 27, 2020. The meeting was held prior to a tour backstage at the MAC.

A welcome was extended to David Lennen, District 8 Director, who gave an IRTA report. Thanks were expressed to Janis Stockhouse, an MCRTA member who made arrangements with John Porter, Ticketing, Sales and House Manager of the MAC for today’s tour. Janis gave a description of the next upcoming opera to be presented at the MAC. Janis also introduced John who took us on the tour following the meeting.

Items on the meeting agenda were primarily reminders to our member of the following:

1. Donations for the MCRTA project of collecting funds to award a grant to Templeton Elementary School for the purchase of books to supplement their International Baccalaureate initiative may still be given until the end of this month. To date $600 has been collected. The intent is to give this grant to the school so they will have time to order and receive books for the use of the students and teachers before school is out for the summer.

2. Necrology - Fran Weinberg is keeping a record of educators in our area who have passed away this year. She asked that members send names and information of any deceased persons who should be included in this record to her by email or U.S. Mail.

3. A reminder was given for our next meeting for this year on Thursday, April 30. At that time we will travel to Story, Indiana, for a lunch and tour of this historic town southeast of Nashville, Indiana.

4. Our last meeting of the year will be our annual picnic at Karst Farm Park on Monday, June 1.

5. Members were reminded to be sure their MCRTA and state IRTA dues are paid.