June 12, 2012

Karst Farm Park

President David Frye called the meeting to order.

Martha Street assumed the office of President of the Monroe County Retired Teachers Association, June 12, 2012, at the spring picnic held this year at Karst Farm Park. As the previously elected First Vice-President, Martha served two years as president-elect and chair of the program committee under the by-laws of MCRTA.

Shirley Pugh was elected as the new First Vice-President/President-Elect. Shirley will become President in 2014. All elected officers serve a two-year term, and, except for the Treasurer, may not serve consecutive terms. Officers and committee chairs appointed by the president serve as the organization's Board of Directors.

Nominating Chair Loretta Neidigh announced the other committee chairs appointed by Street at the meeting. Dianna Johnson will lead Community Service; Linda Woods takes Legislative and will continue with Necrology; Don and Jan Abram will share Member Concerns; Neidigh chairs Nominations; Marion Keutzer, Publicity; Carl Zager, Rules; Benny Holt continues with the Social Committee; Carolyn Fisher chairs the Telephone Tree.

Frye and Street thanked former Treasurer Lois Sparks and volunteer committee chairs Carolyn McClary, Mary Samulelson, Carolyn Schunn, and Bill Sturbaum, who will be coming off the Board, for their service to the organization. Please see the list of all committee volunteers at Committees and Telephone Tree.

In other business, Zager reported on the progress of an edit of the Constitution and By-Laws which will be voted on in the fall. The documents were edited by the Rules Committee made up of Loretta Neidigh, Bill and Helen Sturbaum, and Zager. A copy is linked at Constitution and By-Laws for your review.

Ariel Green was in attendance and was recognized and celebrated for her 100th Birthday.

/s/ Carl Zager


New officers or positions elected were Mike Horvath as Second Vice-President/Membership Chair, Carl Zager as Secretary, and Lu Mercier as Treasurer. Past President David Frye will continue as a member of the Board.