2014 MCASTA Annual Symposium - Call for Submission



Beauty of Science, Art and Technology

The wisdom of appreciating the beauty of basic sciences, engineering, art and humanity


Please join us in St. Louis for 2014 MCASTA Symposium. Following the success of previous symposiums, we plan to continue with a mix of traditional MCASTA activities and some new events.


Researchers are encouraged to submit an abstract of their studies using the Abstract Submission Form provided below to one of tracks listed below by Monday, June 16, 2014.

Download Abstract Submission Form: click HERE or copy and paste the following link to a web browser  


The abstract submission should follow requirements listed below:

·         The abstract should be 500 words or less

·         The abstract file should be in Microsoft Word format and file name should follow the format of TrackNumber_AuthorLastName_AuthorFirstName.doc  (e.g., 107_Smith_Mary.doc)  

·         The abstract should be submitted via email with a subject line “TrackNumber: AuthorFirstName AuthorLastName” (e.g., 107 Mary Smith) to (1) the appropriate Track Chair(s), (2) the program chair (stevewu0728@yahoo.com),  and (3) mcasta.stl@gmail.com  


All submissions are subject to peer review and acceptance notice will be communicated to researchers by July 15, 2013. Camera-ready of accepted abstracts must be submitted by August 5, 2014.


 Tracks and track chairs


Program Chairs: Dr. Steven Wu (stevewu0728@yahoo.com) 

Track 105: Beauty of Biology: Dr. Yu-Hui Huang (yhuang@dom.wustl.edu)

Track 106: Beauty of Physics and Engineering: Dr. Yi-Chieh Perng (perng.yichieh@gmail.com)

Track 107: Beauty of Invention and discovery: Wen-Chih Lee (wenchil@wudosis.wustl.edu)

Track 108: Beauty of Mathematics: Dr. Hsin-Chen Chen (hchen@radonc.wustl.edu)

Track 109: Beauty of Art:  Dr. Huey-Sheng Shieh (shiehouse@sbcglobal.net)

Track 110: Workshop on “Beautiful Mind”: Dr. Stephen Wu (stevewu0728@yahoo.com)