In the beginning...

Post date: Feb 5, 2017 9:09:43 PM

This is the start of a series of 'brain downloads' in no particular order on a range of random subjects.

Unlike many works of reference, the content of these blogs will contain no reference to supporting material.

Over many years I have done the research, applied the critical thinking and have come to the conclusion for this body of work to avoid justifying my knowledge as 'beliefs bolstered by other opinions'.

If my writing piques your interest, do your independent research and discuss.

To contact me. Email

And for now. Remember. Belief and Faith are words for 'DON'T KNOW'.

The journey is the application of common sense, critical thinking and logic to achieve Knowledge.

As an opening thought. Consider 'Freedom of Speech'.

Many hurdles are placed in the way of people expressing what they truly think. Legally you're told you have freedom of speech without inciting violence.

The truth is this. True freedom of speech is the right to say what ever you want including the consequence of violent response.

The responsibility that comes with freedom of speech is to accept that when you express yourself to the annoyance of others, that you might get punched. And that is all on you. Nobody else.

This is where societal considerations come in. We self edit. We consider if we are likely to offend others, especially those we care for and respect.

The current idiom is 'politically correct'...whether what we said was 'PC'.

You have the right to freedom of speech. You have the right to offend anyone you choose. The question is are you an adult responsible for your actions and worthy of your birth rights or are you a child seeking validation from anyone else and thankful for the privileges bestowed on you by 'authority'.

The voice in the wilderness
