Accepted or Acceptable

Post date: March 2021

Accepted or Acceptable

Part 1

In a recent conversation we were discussing racism, white racism, but really this topic extends to any subject.

The argument was made that although it was 'accepted was it acceptable'...In an attempt to gauge what was being said, I asked - what's the difference - the reply was the same. Unhelpful to move a conversation along when a point can't be described or put in other terms to make it clear.

I have pondered on the phrase and have this to offer.

In this context, if something is 'accepted' it is 'tradition' - held amongst a group of individuals. It may extend throughout a village or throughout the world. It may be held by one social group or many.

Is 'acceptable' being used to describe what was 'accepted' in the moment (era) or is it being used to pass judgement on past tradition.

For example.

The treatment of non-whites in the United States prior to the Civil War. To the whites, the use and abuse of non-whites was both 'accepted' and 'acceptable' - in that moment of history. Obviously as the historic record would have it, things were changing.

As an observer of historical events - today - we can see that the treatment of non-whites was 'accepted' by a large social group, but we see that treatment as not 'acceptable'.

What point am I making.

The judgement of past actions is dangerous ground, leaving the one passing judgement open to future judgement of the things they consider - today - to be 'acceptable'.

Part 2

In a more recent conversation (same group) a young female work colleague had been given a clothing voucher for Christmas by her colleagues. Some short time after the gift, a male colleague was heard to ask her when she was going to 'show off' her purchases. This sparked fury in the group when I remarked it was funny - I have no reason to assume the male intended anything other than to make conversation.

The fury - at me - prompted me to remind the group that they find the tradition of rewarding younger less qualified work colleagues with money and gifts as both 'accepted' and 'acceptable' for simply doing their job - for which they are paid. When no one else is rewarded in such a manner - I find that to be not 'acceptable' and as a tradition it should be removed.

As for the display of purchase...the group presumed the male was asking the female to wear the garments - maybe he was OR maybe he wasn't. Without a statement to support that supposition, I presume not. And even if it was, I liken the request to be similar to asking someone to 'give us a twirl' - which has always been 'accepted' and 'acceptable'. Maybe I need to revisit that.

The voice in the wilderness