Urinetown 2/2/2016

Post date: Feb 02, 2016 10:13:55 PM

Called: All call

Absent: Brannon Linder (late), Lucina Hawkins, Catherine Brady, Shelbie Dunivan

Content: Brief review of Urinetown choreography, Music rehearsal: You're Not Sorry, Snuff That Girl

Next Call: Wednesday, 2/03/2016

Called: UGC, Fipp, McQueen, Cladwell, Hope

Content: Don't Be The Bunny


Set build this weekend had an awesome turnout and we got a TON done, so thank you all and keep up the steam as we get further and further into the show.

If you want a different size show shirt that you've had in the past, please shoot me a quick email. If your other ones have fit, then you're good, I've got those sizes.

Off book date is February 15th, but the sooner, the better.

The schedule for Friday is as follows:

All call. 10am-5pm.

10 to 12- What is Urinetown

12 to 12:30- lunch break

12:30 to 2:30- Snuff That Girl (stage), Why Did I Listen to That Man (black bocks)

2:30- break

3 to 5- review all choreography to this point

Here is the link to the tracks-- please bookmark or download and use for future preparation!