The Crucible 10/20/2015

Post date: Oct 20, 2015 7:35:44 PM

Called: Tituba, Parris, Abigail, Susanna, Betty, Ann Putnam, Thomas Putnam, Mercy, Mary, John Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, Corey, Hale

Absent: None! :)

Content: Stumble through 1.1

Next Call: 10/21/2015

Called: Everyone in Act 1

Content: RUN act 1


  1. Rehearsal on Thursday will now be working 2.2-- let us know if you have any conflict with this change. There will still not be rehearsal on Friday.

  2. The calendar has been changed-- make sure you click over to that page and see what's going on in the immediate future. If you have any unlisted conflicts PLEASE let us know immediately. The calendar and rehearsal reports are all as up-to-date as possible, so make sure you check them out.

  3. Make sure you bring your script, a pencil, and lots of enthusiasm and energy to each rehearsal.