Rehearsal #10, 10/23/14

Post date: Oct 23, 2014 10:53:41 PM

Called: Coly, Gwyneth, Shelbie, John, Sam H, Evan, Genna, Naomi, Mary-Dryden, Clara, Sam M, Brannon

Absent: none

Content: Act 1 Run-Through (Essie, Penny, Rheba, Paul, DePinna, Ed, Donna, Grandpa, Alice, Henderson, Tony, Kolenkhov)

Next Call: Friday, 10/24/14, 3:30-6:00

Called: All

Content: First complete stumble-through! (get hype)

Props Notes (Let us know if you have any of these!): Plate/small bowl for candy, bald "Costanza" cap, case with reading glasses, crate of fireworks, chairs, typewriter paper (possibly with actual typewriter-y words on it), small bookshelf/cubby case, darts set, lots of little pencils and pads, ornate wall clock, area rugs, small table(s), anything super random we can throw onto the stage and pretend it's the 1930's...


Come to set construction this Saturday, from 9am-3pm, if you can! We've gotten a ton done, and if we haven't seen you there by the time we're completely done, we may yell at you.

With the exception of Mary-Dryden, Sam M, Gwyneth, and Naomi (they have the most lines), you are expected to be off-book by November. Keep in mind, however, that if we've already blocked a scene, the next time we get to that scene you should be much, much less dependent on your book so we can tweak other parts of the scene without you looking at your scripts.