Urinetown 2/19/2016

Post date: Feb 20, 2016 2:38:19 AM

Called: All Call

Absent: Catherine was late, no Lydia

Content: Choreography (until 4): Snuff That Girl, Mr. Cladwell, Music and Review (until 6): Urinetown, Why Did I Listen to That Man, Mr. Cladwell, Look at the Sky, We're Not Sorry

Next Call: Monday 2/22/2016

Called: All Call

Content: Costume parade, work TBD


Set build is Saturday and Sunday 9am-5pm! Please try to make it for at least a good chunk!

We will be doing a costume parade on Monday, so please make sure to wear appropriate undergarments and bring anything you may have been asked to bring for your costume.

ALL BOYS: please put your pant size in THIS doc for Shannon ASAP, thanks!

Here is the link to the tracks-- please bookmark or download and use for future preparation.

Don't forget about that thing that involves a mason jar...

Do a backwards snow dance forreal forreal.