Urinetown 2/11/2016

Post date: Feb 11, 2016 10:18:15 PM

Called: Picture Call: Elizabeth McCombs, Clara Giorgis, Genna Markee, MDM, Ian Fraser, Lucina Hawkins, Evan Heiter, Brenda Hayes, John Libby, Brannon Linder, anyone in "Don't Be the Bunny," and all UGC

Absent: Evan, Kate and Lauren left early

Content: Pictures for the poster first thing and Don't Be the Bunny

Next Call: Monday, 2/15/2016

Called: All call (as of now, check back)

Content: TBD


Off book date is February 15th, that's the next time we have rehearsal!

There will be no rehearsal tomorrow because of Walker Model Congress, and no set build Saturday for the same reason. There WILL be set build on Sunday from 2-6.

Please make sure you send your bio for the program by tomorrow (preferably TONIGHT, as I won't see you on tomorrow to remind you).

Here is the link to the tracks-- please bookmark or download and use for future preparation!

Please remember to be respectful during rehearsals-- this means remaining quiet onstage and in the house, not giving other actors notes, and being appropriate in your suggestions to Matt and the general group.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly-- we WILL be having rehearsal on Monday the 15th, President's Day (and the next call), from 3:30 to 6:00pm. Please let me know if you have any conflicts that I have yet to hear about.

Linked below is the choreography from today.

Don't Be the Bunny