Hamlet Callbacks

Post date: Sep 19, 2018 2:17:31 AM

Hamlet Callbacks

Hello everyone! Here are the callbacks lists for Thursday and Friday. As a reminder, just because you were not selected for callbacks does not mean you did not get cast! Sides will be available when you arrive after school in the AUDITORIUM. There is an attached link here if you would like to look at them early, but are not required to do so!

Here's who Foster would like to see on Thursday:

HAMLET - Amarah/Hunter/Josh/Renny

CLAUDIUS - Amarah/Renny/Bella Grace

OPHELIA - Maggie/Paige

GERTRUDE - Genisus/Corbette/Bella Grace/Paige/Olivia

POLONIUS - Kate/Lacey/Corbette/Olivia

HORATIO - Lacey/Kate/Isabelle

LAERTES - Hunter/Josh/Maggie

R & G - Genisus/Madoc/Jack/Jessica

GRAVEDIGGER - Madoc/Isabelle/Jack

Here is the list Foster would like to see for "Fight Auditions" on Friday (also in the auditorium)

    • Hunter

    • Renny

    • Josh

    • Amarah

    • Maggie

    • Bella Grace

Link for sides if needed - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1B8LIooHaxhVjNHY0RMTDZlX0dpSkRfcXVlUFRTbE04RWQ0