Why Mongoser as the Illinois acoustic service?

Post date: Jul 23, 2014 7:25:5 AM

After setting up Mongoser as the Illinois acoustic service, it is important that I'm able to justify all the time and effort spent

on it, i.e. why Mongoser and not anything else, i.e. GATD (https://github.com/lab11/gatd)?

* RESTful interface: It is easier to access mongoDB via the popular web interface than using a mongoDB driver.

* Security & Privacy: Mongoser come with both ready-to-use authentication and security infrastructures. Since we'll be collecting raw acoustic data, it is important that those infrastructure 

exists to provide certain level of privacy guarantee. This is especially important when there are multiple users in the system.

* The GridFS Interface: Mongoser exposes MongoDB's GridFS interface to store binary files directly into the database. The other alternative is to store metadata in the database and binary files in the file system, which is a hassle. File storage is much more useful, when compares to time series, for event-driven signal processing applications.

Update 08/21/2014: RavenDB has it all! http://ravendb.net/docs/2.0

Update 08/23/2014: RavenDB + Amazon EC2 achieves most of what took me weeks in half a days. What a shame!