Using Mongoser

Post date: Jul 14, 2014 6:41:52 PM

Sensors can read and write to their respective database (this must be auto)

Users can read with passwd (created manually)

Common usage sequence of Mongoser. For more example, visit

For writers:

* Upload files, which creates <col>.chunks and <col>.files

curl -k -i "https://localhost:8081/gridfs/<db>/<col>?user=<userW>&passwd=<pwdW>&filename=1.wav" -XPUT --data-binary @1.wav -H"Content-Type:audio/wav"

where userW is the writer's username and pwdW is the writer's password. The "-k" option is to ignore self-signed certificate warning.

* Upload files with metadata in json in percent-coding format

curl -k -i "https://localhost:8081/gridfs/<db>/<col>?user=<userW>&passwd=<pwdW>&filename=1.wav&metadata=%7Bx:1%7D" -XPUT --data-binary @1.wav -H"Content-Type:audio/wav"

* Add metadata in <col>.files

curl -k -i "https://localhost:8081/write?dbname=<db>&colname=<col>.files&user=<userW>&passwd=<pwdW>" -XPOST --data-binary $'{filename:"1.wav"}\n{$inc:{metadata:1}}'

where --data-binary tells curl to NOT do any conversion, i.e. "\n"

* Add a document in a collection <col>

curl -k -i "https://localhost:8081/write?dbname=<db>&colname=<col>&user=<userW>&passwd=<pwdW>" -XPUT --data-binary '{filename:"1.wav", metadata:1}'

For readers:

* List all documents in a collection

curl -k -i "https://localhost:8081/query?dbname=<db>&colname=<col>&user=<userR>&passwd=<pwdR>"

* Read a record with condition

curl -k -i "https://localhost:8081/query?dbname=<db>&colname=<col>&user=<userR>&passwd=<pwdR>" -XPOST -d '{metadata: 1}'

where -d allows curl to perform auto-conversion, where there is none in this case. userR is the reader's username and pwdR is the reader's password.

* List file in a collection <col> through the Gridfs interface

curl -k -i "https://localhost:8081/gridfs/<db>/<col>?user=<userR>&passwd=<pwdR>&op=list"

* Get a file from <col>.chunks by filename via the Gridfs interface

curl -k -i "https://localhost:8081/gridfs/<db>/<col>?user=<userR>&passwd=<pwdR>&filename=1.wav" > tmp.wav