Setting up a MatLab distributed computing cluster

Post date: Sep 09, 2015 5:56:29 PM

This is a simple guide to setup a MatLab distributed computing cluster [1]. 

1) For each machine in the cluster, a MatLab distributed computing service must be started. This must be done by using the GUI offered by admincenter.bat (I wasn't successful with the cmd line approach).

The service must be log-in with the same special admin account for all machines in the cluster. This can be done either by:

+Computer->Manage->Services and Applications->Services->Matlab Distributed Computing Server->Properties->Log On 

+Edit <MatLab>\toolbox\distcomp\bin\mdce_def.bat

set MDCEUSER=.\<username> (A user must have a domain, in this case the local domain ".\")

set MDCEPASS=<password>

2) Must wait a while for the service to start. DO NOT attempt to restart immediately. Progress can be tracked under C:\Windows\Temp\MDCE\Log\mdce-service.log

3) Start an MJS profile and add workers. That's it!

***) Ensure that Windows and network/router/access-point Firewall does NOT block <MatLab>\bin\win64\mdced.exe and <MatLab>\sys\java\jre\win64\jre\bin\javaw.exe
