The detection of known signal in colored Gaussian noise

Post date: Jun 25, 2017 9:0:23 PM

The detection problem [1] is

where and are the observation, the known signal, and the zero-mean, colored Gaussian noise with covariance matrix , respectively.

+ The generalized matched-filter approach

Karhunnen-Loeve Decomposition (KLD) (for which the principal component analysis (PCA) is based on) states that the random noise can be decomposed into a linear combination of its covariance matrix's eigenvectors, i.e.

Hence the detection problem becomes

For which the optimal test is


where  is the distorted signal.

+ The pre-whitening approach


be the Cholesky matrix factorization of

, then is a white Gaussian noise with unit variance.

[1] Levy, B. C. (2008). Principles of signal detection and parameter estimation. Springer Science & Business Media.