Querying the Illinois acoustic server at acoustic.ifp.uiuc.edu

Post date: Jul 21, 2014 10:5:43 PM

The Illinois acoustic server is an acoustic database server that stores acoustic events for later processing. Example query on the Illinois database server is given below.

* List collection in a database

curl -k -i "https://acoustic.ifp.uiuc.edu:8081/collection?dbname=<db>&user=<userR>&passwd=<pwdR>"

* List all acoustic events in the event collection

curl -k -i "https://acoustic.ifp.uiuc.edu:8081/query?dbname=<db>&colname=event&user=<userR>&passwd=<pwdR>"

* Read an event with filename

curl -k -i "https://acoustic.ifp.uiuc.edu:8081/query?dbname=<db>&colname=event&user=<userR>&passwd=<pwdR>" -XPOST -d '{filename: "1.wav"}'

* List file in the data collection through the Gridfs interface

curl -k -i "https://acoustic.ifp.uiuc.edu:8081/gridfs/<db>/data?user=<userR>&passwd=<pwdR>&op=list"

* Get a file by filename from the data collection via the Gridfs interface

curl -k "https://acoustic.ifp.uiuc.edu:8081/gridfs/<db>/data?user=<userR>&passwd=<pwdR>&filename=1.wav" > tmp.wav

* Query by timestamp. Time is in UTC.

curl -k -i "https://acoustic.ifp.uiuc.edu:8081/query?dbname=<db>&colname=<col>&user=<userR>&passwd=<pwdR>" -XPOST --data-binary '{uploadDate:{$gte:{$date:"2014-08-03T16:22:44.000Z"}, $lte:{$date:"2014-08-03T16:22:55.000Z"}}}'