GlassFish server setup and DAS port

Post date: Sep 02, 2014 5:9:19 AM

While setting up GlassFish server (packaged with Netbeans), Domain Administration Server (DAS) port is the only important configuration that shows up. This might seems strange at first, as there were no usual configurations such as webroot/docroot location or binding ports like in other web server setup. This is because GlassFish is much more sophisticated than common web servers! Each GlassFish setup can handle multiple domains of web servers (each resides in <GlassFish>/glassfish/domains/). And within each domain one can again find common configuration parameters of a web server. 

Back to DAS, an analogy to understand it is probably the IP of one's home router. Here, instead of a special/gateway IP, i.e. one that ends with .1, a special port is used instead. Connecting to this port opens up a control panel for managing all the domains of webservers.

Hence, thumb up for GlassFish! :)