TRF III:  Long Wire


Every Crystal set I start from gonna become TRF somewhat. This time I choose LM386. Even Though I did this every time, the new thing still emerge again and again.

TRF with Long Wire antenna

I combine the most successful crystal receiver I ever made and a nice LM386 module, to exploring new era of TRF. 

Successful Crystal Receiver Ever

Nice LM386 Module

LM386 Module

I produce this  small audio module for multi purpose,  use as audio amplifier in receiver, could be use as Radio modules for another toy project.

Short Wave Interference

Yesterday, I heard the famous shortwave interference , the  "Russian Woodpecker", all day. It may reopen/re-built since 2017.

Audio Sample(wikipedia)

In the night, audio quality is severely degrade. There is very obviously high frequency Hiss.  I worry about this gonna be LM386 itself very famous problem - hiss. But, my module already take all precautions, input LPF, low frequencies boost (ie, high frequency attenuation).

And then, second daytime, I found the hiss is gone completely. This is thought-provoking thing!

LM386 Hiss?

Does it because LM386? I don't think so.  For days observation, I could tell, the Hiss only ermerg in night, daytime is completely clean.

I confirmed this "Hiss" problem from a instant-message discussion group. In night, the interference became strong.  

The following Spectrum photo take under  2 Khz/div  Input Att:0   rbw:1khz.

50 meter antenna daytime,

50 meter antenna night

At night the signal became much dense.  By sweep small portion of them via probing the tank's signal, obviously,  the night station's side band  intersect together.

day time 3 station and their side band

night 3 station and their station

I inject a signal 80 khz apart from station, -50dbm, It generating same hiss voice, further confirm this is IMD.

Intermodulation in crystal detector

This explains everything we encounter. The most surprising thing ever meet. Even the crystal radio with passive mixer could suffer from IMD.