VCO:Ultra Negtive100kHz-100Mhz

Dec 22, 2011


Here is a awesome oscillator, negative resistance configuration.  it so  wide band , easy to start from around 100Khz and oscillate all the way to 100Mhz!!

At first try, i want to build this one as a VCO:( similar as EMRFD  chapter 4 Fig4.13 C)

But,  there is a big problem, if you use 1sv149 replace C1, you'll fond output waveform is very distortion: raise slop is arsing so fast, and became faster while it raising.  And i final realized that it's because the tank energy is  high, voltage on the C1 is then too high, the oscillating voltage dominated the varactor's  bias!! 


these 2 images is the quick assemble guide and the final circuit quick PCB. 


MC1648 style Oscillator

I can't stop here because it's so amazing. so i searching and look around, finally i got this one. actually,it's the hart of MC1648, and popular used as simple but attractive small signal generator.  MC1648 might have no real competitor from it's been crated, and widely used till now-day.


the image for quick assemble this VCO.


 (quick built pattern modified @2012/12/8)