The Empowered Man

I just read this. And thought a SARCASTIC comment was appropriate.

Ah yes, how we love our freedoms.

We love the freedom to see (ignore) veterans, unable to work, begging on the street.

We love the freedom to see (ignore) people working at Walmart, unable to afford health insurance.

We love the freedom to see (ignore) retired folks have their medical insurance canceled.

And then have to declare bankruptcy because they cannot pay their medical bills.

We love the freedom to shop at Walmart, and other stores, to provide jobs for people in China.

Jobs that used to be done here in the US, but are ever so much more effectively and efficiently done by people who cannot have unions represent them.

We love to have the government provide us with rules that make our food safe.

But we sure don't want to pay for the people that enforce those rules.

We love to have safe drinking water, but we sure don't like the EPA that is making sure that there isn't any mercury or other goodies in that water.

We love the clean air around us, but think that we don't need the EPA, that industry will self regulate and competition will weed out those that pollute.

I hope everyone will see themselves as Empowered.

Empowered to to ignore children who don't have enough to eat.

Empowered to cut funding for schools because we no longer have children that need them.

Empowered to cut taxes for the rich, and pass that debt on to our children and grandchildren.

Empowered to not address the decaying infrastructure of the country.

I mean, we're older, and probably won't see those bridges collapse anyway.

Empowered to save the unborn, but ignore them after they've been born.

People need to work. To have a sense of pride in what they do.

If someone won't hire you, go out and start your own business.

Then hire those around you who cannot find work.

That's how this country was created – how our economy grew to be the envy of the world.

Surely there are lots of products and services that people around you would like to have, and pay for.

That would grow the economy, and produce more revenue for the government without raising taxes.

(Just ignore the fact that if the economy grew at 10% a year, for the next 20 years, something that even China cannot do, we'd still have a crushing national debt.)

Our country needs to become energy independent.

There's enough gas and oil to last for many decades, if we just drill to get it.

Fracking, to get the remnants of the gas and oil is a good thing – we can just not think about how it will affect our water table, and the food that's grown using that water.

Global warming is a scam, invented to get government grants.

We all know that CO2 is plant food, more is better.

Besides, if it warms, think of all the heating that can be avoided, and how much cheaper it will be all winter long.

Just as every generation has left America better than they found it, we'll do the same.

There have been more and better roads,

More and better water supplies,

More and better food,

More and better education.

But what will we contribute to the betterment of the country?

A self-sufficient population.

People who can fend for themselves and not depend on the government.

People who look to the future and provide for their own retirement.

People who provide their children with a work ethic to pay for their own education.

People who won't get sick and not be able to pay for their treatment.

People who won't need to work past their retirement because they'll have ample savings.

What a great day it will be when all this comes to pass.

Never mind that way more than half the population is really unable to do all that.

Just let us have our delusions that everyone is more than capable to become entirely self-sufficient.

And those who can't will just have to learn to do so.

It's really not all that difficult.

Just be smarter. And more creative. And more healthy. And more energetic.

Hey, while you're at it, be younger and more attractive and more wealthy too.