
I started this page a couple decades ago. Today I have a plethora  of home pages.
There's this of course,   https://sites.google.com/site/linlyons
And Facebook, obviously,   https://www.facebook.com/lin.lyons.7
And, in February, '23, I started,  https://linlyons.com/  (using coffeecup.com as my host)

Oh my lord, am I craving attention?  OR is this just verbal diarrhea?

This was just to write stuff that I was thinking about, like hang gliding, and Santa Claus, and our flood, and stuff around the house, etc.  But  folks cannot comment on those posts.

So, this is my - google.pages - Home Page, but not a blog.   Maybe a collection of 'stuff' that I thought of, or wanted to save, or wrote, or whatever.   EG, my resume is here, but I'll never get another job as a programmer.  (Last change  12/22/22 -just to keep track. Added COMPREC and rearranged.)

 (All of the z390, and programming, links have been moved to the bottom of the page.)

Several years ago, I talked to a 6th grade math class.  You can look at the notes that I used.  http://sites.google.com/site/linlyons/math

Last night I worked with a boy who seemed behind on his schooling.

You could look at my Santa page.  That was fun.  http://sites.google.com/site/linlyons/santa

I did Santa again in 2015 (and other years as well, but I got some pics this time).

In April of 2011 I started hang gliding.  http://sites.google.com/site/linlyons/hang-gliding

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_wXY1UI2wdmVdtxJaeFKyA/videos Hang gliding videos

Comment about Mike Pence, Donald Trump, and the republicans.


Sometimes I write stuff. 

http://sites.google.com/site/linlyons/stuff   but don't blame me if you feel ill.  ;-)

Home Repair Tips.  Linked from facebook.


My global warming soap box

The Atlantic article, The Collaborators.


Oh fun, fun. Installing new garbage disposal and all new drain plumbing under the sink.  https://sites.google.com/site/linlyons/home/new-kitchen-disposal-and-drain-plumbing

In 1980, I took 3 months off work, packed a backpack, and wandered around Europe.
Seems that I've written this twice.  We'll see which is better.



The second one is better.

You could look at my resume, in case you're looking for an IBM assembler programmer.  But remember, last time I worked was 20 years ago.



You might be curious about the flood.

http://sites.google.com/site/linlyons/flood  (the first thing I wrote here.)

Beverly did a skydive, after 3 of us tried indoor skydiving in Orlando.


Hang gliding information,  including  Landing Techniques.


Puzzles, programming, and my warped mind.


How to thread a sewing machine needle.


Occasionally, I get into a discussion about whether Hetch Hetchy valley should be restored.  I personally don't think so.  But, in order for us all to have a better idea what we're talking about, I've copied a state list of dams in Calif and Nevada, and sorted them by size.  Here's the list:


Often, I see questions concerning a "Space Elevator".  Finally, I did some math to show how impractical that would be at this time.  There is no material anywhere near strong enough to make the cable.


Another thing that comes up is, "When are we going to live on Mars?"  We're not.  Ever.


The question came  up today, how does a gyroscope work?  Which I'd thought about for quite a long time, but never actually gone through why it does what it does.  So, I did that.  And found,


While out for brunch at a local cafe, another customer commented about IQ.


An article along the same vane:


I like flying, and ran across this article,


I was considering a discussion about ethanol today, and was reminded of a discussion I've been having with myself for a while now.  So, I did just a little research.


Oh, maybe you want to see why you shouldn't break into our house.

Our vicious guard dogs will get you.


Or maybe you'll get sick and die.


Does the price of gasoline bother you?  Maybe which state you live in is the problem.


 A question came up about how much we've heated the earth.  Since I have way too much time on my hands,


Aren't you sorry you looked?  :-(

http://sites.google.com/site/linlyons/doyouhavearighttofood  "Is food a right?"

I was curious about CFL bulbs cost recovery time.  so:


I rather expect that I'll add more.  But maybe I'll wait until I'm awake.  :-)

These are some recipes that I've made and liked.


View from the deck.


I just read a bit of ???  --  "The Empowered Man"

And thought that some reply was in order.


Just wrote an IBM assembler program to scan a file for a specified character string.

(Look at the notes for the compare program below.)


Crows, protecting young that had fallen from nest.

And the first time I'd seen the Roaring Camp and Big Trees Railroad.


The  ENTIRE back page of the NYT "Sunday Review" section:  5 months of Trump lies, Jan 21 - June 21.


Given any date, 1900 - 2100, what day was it?  Eg, what day of the week were you born.



Everything below is related to the z390 simulator, which allows mainframe code to run on a PC.
I tried to write a basic assembler course.  I don't like it.  Maybe it'll get better.  Maybe not.


Using  z390  asm,  link,  run  simulator   http://sites.google.com/site/linlyons/z390

Another IBM 360 tutorial.  Arrangement of instructions, and sample program.



This is an assembler program to create break points for a program that is being tested.  It reads the program listing, and the labels where break points are to be created, and creates the needed commands.  It is unfortunate that z390 has not been modified to either read a file of commands, or allow delimiters so that a series of commands can be entered all at the same time.


There was a request to add a column to records in an existing sequential file.  This program does that.   I originally called it adstring, but FLUMMOX  is a more interesting name.  However, I eventually decided to call the program  ADDFIELD.    That's more descriptive.  The  INSERTIT  link is another program that does the same thing, more simply.  It's much cleaner.



Seems that I've written a number of file compare programs.  Around here, they started with a discussion on a forum about comparing files.  When you have a sorted file, it's relatively easy.  At the phone company, they had a program that compared files w/o keys, that were "sort of in order".  It was pretty interesting.  I "sort of" did that here, and it was a "source compare" program.  I don't remember if it ever worked well enough to post.  These are various compare programs that did work, at least to some extent.


This is another compare program that I started to write.   Don't think it works.


Is a rewrite of a program that I used 50+ years ago.  Why?  Just because I'd like to.


Is a file compare program that compares record keys.  Key is specified like sort cc.

At it again, again.  3-4-5-? scan programs, a character frequency program, and a description.

https://sites.google.com/site/linlyons/scan-description  description of the programs

https://sites.google.com/site/linlyons/myscan  Scan program, that will be good when it works.

https://sites.google.com/site/linlyons/scantext   Scan a file for multiple strings of upper and/or lower case characters.

https://sites.google.com/site/linlyons/scanfast  read a file, select records by string.

https://sites.google.com/site/linlyons/scanstr  more options, but not quite as fast.

https://sites.google.com/site/linlyons/scanfreq  create tbl of most/least frequently used chars.

At it again.  That's 3 programs to add a column to a file.  I'll get it right one of these days.  Really.



There's a HEXED puzzle for sale on Ebay.  Good exercise for kids. This program finds all 2339 solutions. 


50 some years ago, I wrote a program to search a flat file, looking for character strings.  GOFISH does that better.  I needed a break from something else I was working on, and wrote it.

can be used to read data blocks, divide data block lengths by various proposed LRECLs,  and list the results.  When the remainder =0, that's the likely LRECL