IQ, by race, state, country, profession, and now, political leaning. Just because I was curious. Please, just consider the information, not any prejudice that we have. In the past, I've refrained from addressing the subject, but I wanted to understand more, so that when confronted, I'd be on more solid ground. I clearly do understand the prejudice. But ever since I was very young, I wanted to understand how things worked. That's what this is about. 100%

There have been, "There is no such thing as race, we're all the same" (species) comments. That is true, we are all the same species. But there clearly are identifiable groups, often with multiple genetic differences. If you're in the "We're all one species" group, I doubt that I can change your opinion. Maybe you don't want to read the rest. You're not going to like it.

Note: This does not apply to any particular individual. And I'm not exactly sure what IQ is, other than how fast one can answer silly questions on a timed test. However, just to keep us all in our place, for background ....

There has always been the discussion about how much the genetic vs the environmental contribution to IQ exists. This addresses that.

A few months ago, there was a guy in a Moraga cafe who said there was a 30 point IQ difference between blacks and whites. I disagreed, but didn't think it was worth arguing the point. He was, after all, a Trump supporter. But the thought has been nagging me for a while, so I did some googling. (And yes, googling is not research!!)

RACE: There is a much larger average racial difference than I had thought. 15 points or so. Most articles I looked at talked about there being a difference, but didn't put numbers on it, probably because it was so politically sensitive, but also quite possibly out of concern for bias in the results. Or, maybe because it's not easy to devise a test that is fair, considering background conditions of people taking such a test. In any case, a very few articles do include numbers.

COUNTRY: IQ by country is a bit eye opening. How much is real and how much is related to schooling, test bias, and whether the test addresses the environment of those being tested, seems to be a valid question/concern.

STATE: By state is interesting. Calif is (to me) surprisingly low. (But then, of course, it's not as blue as it seems to me.)

As I said before, I looked at a city list, and there was little, if any, agreement among sites.


AGE: This is somewhat interesting. One page says we get smarter as we get older. The other page says our intelligence declines as we get older. (My personal experience seems to show a decline.) It appears that you can find something on the internet that agrees with your prejudice, no matter what that prejudice is. (How shocking.) <== we get smarter. <== we get dumber.

The latter of these 2 links is a bit more comprehensive.

"IQ, explained in 9 charts" And check the evolution video at the the end. <== video at the end.

POLITICAL LEANING: In the unlikely event that I'm not already in serious trouble, I googled:

There are multiple articles by Noah Carl, however, one might skip them.

Psychology Today might be the most reputable.

I find the results interesting, and not terribly unexpected. Evolution of other traits is pretty common, depending on where we live. IQ, or whatever is tested and called IQ, shouldn't be any different in that respect. The conundrum would be, what, if anything, should society do with the knowledge? The answer to that is above my pay-grade, and, if acted upon, would likely lead to more prejudice and societal disruption. For me now, it's just an understanding of one corner of how things work in this world. For me, that is enough.