
Do you have a "Right" to food?

Lord save us from idiot conservatives. Today's gem is:

"If Health Care is a "right", do you also have a "right" to food?"

if you were in Somalia, then i'd grant you were correct.

however, that's not where you are.

you are in the US, where most of your privileges are due to the generations that preceded you.

you can go to the market and buy food because those before you provided you with roads and infrastructure that allows you to do that.

you can go to the hospital because those before you provided you with a hospital to go to.

you can earn a decent living because those that came before you provided you with an economy that allowed you to do the work that you liked, and were good at, and the luxury of having someone else, that you pay, build a house, and grow food, and collect your trash, and put out a fire at your house.

for you to now say that you owe nothing to any one else is the height of greed.

it is, unfortunately, taking over this country.

not only do we not honor those that have come before us, but we encourage tax cuts, paid for by deficits.

we steal from our own children.

for what?

not necessity.

not to protect the country.

not to add value to the nation.

but just because we can.

as a nation, we are nearly morally bankrupt.

yes, we do have a right to food.

not because we want it.

but because we, and our ancestors have provided this country with the ability to grow more than we need.

we do not have the right to take it from someone else that needs it.

we do have a right to that which would otherwise not be used.

we have that right just as surely as your children have a right to inherit that which you have worked for, and saved, during your lifetime.

we, as a country, have worked and created untold wealth.

we do not have the right to deny access to that wealth, to those that we might not like today, for no reason other than our greed - our refusal to share the vast wealth, and opportunity, that our ancestors have provided for us.

but we do.

we see homeless people every day.

an inordinate number of those people are veterans.

we've used up their psyche, and now consider them worthless.

we deny them all we can because we think they will not be of value to us in the future.

we are truly, more bankrupt than people in the poorest country in the world.
