Crows protecting young, and Heisler steam engine

Many years, in fact decades, ago, in the '70s, I drove into the parking lot at Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park. Standing next to the car, I could hear a steam engine. I debated with myself heading in that direction, hopping the fence, and seeing what it was. However, I looked at all the kids in the lot and decided not to set a bad example. Pretty soon the noise stopped and I kind of forgot about it. But pretty soon it started again, and through a gap in the trees, I saw this beautiful, shiny, old Heisler logging steam engine. OVER the fence in a shot. Only to be told that I couldn't buy a ticket because they were done for the day, and it was headed back to the shed. They also have a camel back, a couple of Shays, and, now, a diesel engine. I've been back there a couple times, and rode the train behind the Shay a couple times, and the diesel. The diesel is the most efficient. Of the steam engines, the engineers like the Shay because it has more power.

On that same trip, but probably a different park, I'd camped and woke up early (for me at least) around 6 am. I went for a walk and found a narrow 'driveway' that was completely shaded. I started walking through it and there was a murder of crows that started making a fuss. (Really, a bunch of crows is called a murder. First time I've had occasion to use the term. :) I stopped walking and they quieted a bit. I started and they got louder. I walked the other way, and they were nearly silent. "Very strange" I thought to myself. So I braved the cacophony and walked, looking around to see if I could see the reason. There was a young crow that had apparently fallen out of the nest. At any rate, I left it there, and after I'd passed it, and kept walking, the noise died down. All these years later, I quite distinctly remember, although I couldn't tell you for sure what park it was.