Built-In Definitions

FIGnition is designed to be used immediately for programming. It implements a simple, self-contained language based closely on FIG-forth, a variant of Forth, but with elements borrowed from the Jupiter-Ace computer from the early 1980s. The FIG-forth ROM image has been adapted from the Mark 1 Forth Computer.

As it stands, this section is not yet a programming manual, merely an introduction to FIGnition's built-in definitions. In the meantime, why not look up the Jupiter-Ace User manual or Leo Brodie's Starting Forth.

Forth Definitions

As delivered FIGnition implements the following core definitions, which means they're byte codes implemented in AVR assembler (Note: this description is a little out-of-date. It will be updated to match Firmware 0.9.8 when released):

And the following words which themselves are implemented in Forth, which also means they are defined in terms of the above byte codes and compile as 16-bit addresses (Note: this description is a little out-of-date. It will be updated to match Firmware 0.9.8 when released):