Build It (RevE)

These are the build instructions for a RevE board, which has space for two phono sockets and a USB socket. A PDF of these instructions will be attached soon, but here's the online version.

Building FIGnition (RevE):

The Kit

The kit should look like this and contains:

The first plastic bag contains the following components (it’s not antistatic):

The second bag contains the remaining discrete components:

I think it's best to leave the components in their bags until you need each one, don’t just tip them out, or at the very least put them in two different trays so they don’t get confused.

If you’re new to soldering, I’d STRONGLY advise you build it with a friend or parent, to help you with checking the circuit and to share the excitement with as you turn it on for the first time and see it work!!! FIGnition is simple to build, as easy as many Lego® kits, but mistakes can be made and are harder to fix.

Setting Up

The next stage is to make sure you have your own equipment set up properly:

General Soldering Principles

The basic principle is this: solder from the lowest components to the highest ones. That’s because I’m assuming you don’t have any special PCBs clamps so you want to position the circuit in a stable way while you solder and the best way to do that is to solder components from lowest to highest.

Familiarise yourself with the basic soldering guide. There's some good tutorials at Lady Ada, except you really, really do pronounce it as SOLD-er in the UK (the wikipedia entry says it's "/ˈsɒldə(r)/ "). There's also a wonderful soldering guide from the UK which doesn't suffer from pronunciation advice: Soldering discrete components is fairly easy.

 1. Bend one end of the wire at right angles...


 3. ... Bend with the pliars at that point


 5/6. Splay the legs and solder from the rear-side.

Soldering the Board Together

Wow - you’ve actually BUILT the computer now. And now, instead of caving into temptation and switching it on, here comes the boring tricky bit, you need to meticulously check what you’ve done.

First you need to check all the joints... No, first you need to go away and have a tea-break. If you don’t have any tea, find a shop or store which sells it; buy some and have some tea... and if you don't like tea hunt round for some water or a nice fruit squash! You need to take a break at this point!!! Take a break!!!

20 minutes later.. turn to the next section: Testing!