FIGnition is designed to be a low-barrier to entry machine; which extends to the hardware. Therefore, not only can you build FIGnition from a kit supplied by me, but you can build a version of FIGnition: FIGnition FLINT using Stripboard, a PCB anyone can obtain locally. The Stripes circuit is shown below (with the track side shown on the right):


To build the computer you'll also need to know where the components should be placed: here's that information:

You will also need to know how to place the chips. All of them should be placed with the notch at the bottom (even though the stripes diagram shows them pointing to the top). Also, the SRAM chip goes above the Amic Flash chip.

This circuit was built using my open-source Stripboard designer: stripes and the Stripes circuit is attached at the bottom of this page. Be aware, the sockets are shown the wrong-way up due to a limitation of stripes, they should have the notch at the bottom, and similarly the ICs are to be placed with their pin 1s towards the bottom of the diagram.

Here's the physical version of a FIGnition FLINT alongside a kit-built FIGnition:

You can see a FIGnition FLINT occupies about 50% more board space. If you look carefully you'll notice there's a couple of very slight differences: the 4u7 capacitor has been better placed (slightly to the left) and the bottom row of switches are slightly closer to the top row.

Finally, here's FIGnition FLINT running a version of Life:

FLINT is a fully-working version of FIGnition, it can run any program that a normal FIGnition can run, it has the same I/O facilities (4 fantastic user-pins); it can be upgraded just like any other FIGnition to the latest firmware. It will take about 4 hours to build and please bear in mind you're likely to make more mistakes doing it (I made about 4 errors, which were pretty easy to correct). By comparison a FIGnition kit typically takes about 1.5 hours, but can be build in as little as 30 minutes.

You're very welcome to build a FIGnition FLINT - let me know if you're successful and if you modify the circuit, please send me your variation and I may well include it as an attachment here. I don't supply components or kits for FIGnition FLINT; but the PCB version is always available to buy for £20.00 (or equivalent in your local currency)!