(As approved at the A.G.M. 2024)
1. NAME.
The League shall be known as the Levenshulme and District Clubs Snooker League.
The objects of the league shall be to foster a spirit of good fellowship and sportsmanship amongst all those who play the game of snooker under its jurisdiction.
This committee shall be the governing body of the league.
a) Membership. The General Committee will consist of the league officers and one delegate from each team.
b) Quorum. Half of the clubs in the league must be present to constitute a quorum.
c) Time. Meetings will commence at 7.30p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month. A special motion must be passed at a meeting to permit it to continue after 10.00p.m.
d) Voting. Each officer of the league shall have one vote. Each delegate shall have one vote for the team he represents. No delegate shall vote for more than one team. If an officer is also a delegate from his club then he will have two votes.
e) Business. Each meeting will receive a report from the league officers and transact any other business as required.
f) Monies. The treasurer will collect from delegates any entry fees, match fees, fines and other monies at each monthly meeting.
g) Non-attendance. Unless an apology has been received, a fine will be imposed on any club not represented at a monthly meeting. In addition, one point will be deducted from all teams of that club on each occasion.
If a club misses more than three meetings in any year (starting with the meeting after the A.G.M.) a fine of £5.00 per meeting will then be imposed, regardless of apologies. In addition, one league point will be deducted from all teams of that club on each occasion where a meeting is missed without apologies during the league season.
a) President. To preside at functions and to present league trophies to the winners.
b) Vice President. To deputise for the President if required and to automatically become President after a year in office.
c) Chairman. To take the chair at meetings. He will have a second or casting vote if there should be a tied vote.
d) Vice-chairman. To take the place of the chairman in his absence.
e) Minuting Secretary. To record the minutes of all meeting
f) Treasurer. To be solely responsible for the financial affairs of the league as approved by the General Committee.
g) Match Secretary. To be responsible for receiving results of league matches and competitions, compiling fixtures and league tables and to transact the business of the league as approved by the General Committee.
h) Auditors. To be responsible to the General Committee and to audit the financial affairs of the league.
i) Management Committee. To consist of the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Match Secretary; to meet as required to transact the business of the league. All matters dealt with shall be subject to the approval of the General Committee.
j) Election. All officers mentioned above (except the President) shall be subject to election each year at the A.G.M. Each candidate must be proposed and seconded.
k) Honorarium. The amounts and beneficiaries of such expenses deemed to have been incurred during the preceding season shall be decided at the A.G.M.
l) Honorary Vice-Presidents. To be elected at an A.G.M. for service to the league or to the game. This office shall be held for life.
a) The A.G.M. of the League shall be held in July each year.
b) The rules relating to membership, quorum, time, voting and non-attendance shall be as at General Committee meetings.
c) The following business shall be transacted at an A.G.M.:-
1. To receive reports from league officers.
2. To receive and approve audited accounts.
3. To decide any honorarium to be paid.
4. To elect league officers for the next year.
5. To decide the venue for meetings of the General Committee.
6. To decide the composition of the league for the following season (divisions, teams and clubs). New teams will always be included in the lowest division.
7. To agree the method of raising funds for the league prizes and expenses, including the registration fees, match fees and entry fees for all competitions and fines. No match fees will be charged for any finals.
8. To approve any changes to the rules of the league. Any changes must have been tabled at the meeting prior to the A.G.M. and have received at least five votes in its favour to qualify for the A.G.M. agenda. Changes must have the support of at least two-thirds of those present and eligible to vote.
9. To deal with any other business raised.
10. The A.G.M. shall be the first meeting of the year.
a) All perpetual trophies remain the property of the league at all times and must be returned to the officers as directed. Fines will be imposed if trophies are lost or returned in a dirty or damaged condition.
b) Money will be allocated for teams for their league position and for winners, runners-up and some semi-finalists in team and individual competitions. That may be used for the purchase of trophies for the players, or it can be paid in cash.
c) If a team or individual fails to turn up for a final arranged by the league, all prize money due will be forfeited.
a) Only players registered with the league will be eligible to play in any team or individual competition.
b) Players registered before the start of the season are eligible to play in all games. New registrations will be accepted through the season. Players will be able to play as soon as they are registered.
c) Registrations will be accepted after December 31st but these players will have a maximum handicap of 10 and will be charged a signing on fee of £5.00. Any club wishing to be exempted from these provisions must get the approval of the General Committee.
d) Players shall be registered for a team (rather than a club) and will generally be only be able to represent that team. However, if a club has more than one team in the league, then in exceptional circumstances, with advance permission from the Match Secretary, a player may appear for the other team. Care must be taken to avoid infringement of the rules on being cup-tied in the Knock-out and President's Cup competitions.
e) Clubs may register any number of players subject to the payment of the agreed fee per player.
f) All players wishing to be registered must be at least 16 years old. The rules of some clubs may not permit pplayers under 18.
g) No player shall play for more than one club during the season without the consent of the General Committee.
h) All players registered must be members of their club, and not have had their membership suspended, or otherwise be ineligible to play in home games.
a) Handicaps will be awarded to each player according to results. Handicaps will be adjusted monthly, either at each delegates meeting during the season or via the league website. Minimum and maximum handicap marks will be set by the delegates at a meeting.
b) New players will be subjected to an accelerated adjustment of their handicaps to ensure they soon reach an appropriate mark. Captains should give a realistic estimate of ability when registering a new player.
c) Players will play all league and cup matches, and individual handicap competitions, off their current handicap marks. It is the responsibility of the captain to check that his players are playing off the correct marks.
d) If a player plays off a higher handicap than he should in a league match, then any points he gains for winning the game shall be deducted. However no adjustment will be made to the aggregate and the opponents shall not be awarded the point for that frame. If a player plays off a lower handicap, then the result stands.
e) The maximum start any player will concede in any league, cup or individual match shall be 50 points.
f) Any current or former (in last 10 years) players on the Main Snooker Tour, the Challenger Tour or Q Tour, There will be no limit on lower handicaps for such players. They will not be eligible for the Player of the Season or Most Improved Player awards
a) General.
Matches will be played by teams of six players. Each team in a division will play every other team at home and away during the season. Fixtures will be arranged by the match secretary.
Postponing matches. Fixtures must be played on the dates given unless exceptional and unavoidable conditions make play impossible.
(i) Any rearrangement must be with the prior consent of the match secretary and the opposing captain, and the match should then be played within four weeks of the original date.
(ii) If the match secretary does not consider the reasons for requesting a postponement to be exceptional, or if the opposing captain is unwilling to postpone, then the team must turn up with as many players as they can and play the match, accepting the penalties for players short as set out in rule 9(h).
b) Starting times.
1. All matches should start at 8.00p.m. except at one table clubs where matches will start at 7.30p.m. One frame may be claimed if a team arrives more than 15 minutes late, a second frame if more than 30 minutes late and the whole match if more than 45 minutes late. Frames claimed are to be scored as if the team were players short (see rule 8(i)).
2. Ideally both teams should have six players present for the start of the game. In any event three players must be present at that time. If a team does not have three players present, then the captain of the other team may choose the order of play throughout, subject to the availability of players.
If a player is due to arrive late or needs to leave early then the other captain should be informed of this before the draw is made.
c) Draw.
1 All League games:
The captain will enter the three players with the lowest handicaps in any order in the first three places on the match card. The remaining three players can be placed in any order in the last three places. If the third and fourth players have the same handicap the captain can decide which to include in the first three
2 Cup matches.
Rule (i) will only apply in league games and end of season play-offs; in all cup competitions all six players will be drawn at random.
3 Substitutes.
Reserves must also be named on the card when the draw is made. Names may be amended before 9.15 if a player does not turn up. In extreme circumstances (i.e. accident, sickness or car breakdown) a named reserve player who has been present most of the evening may be substituted after 9.15. The name of the reserve will be exchanged for the missing player wherever that appears on the card, and the reserve will play off his own handicap.
d) Play.
The home captain selects the first frame to play, the away captain the second frame and so on subject to the availability of players. A referee will be appointed to ensure that the rules of snooker are observed and to keep the score. Teams will share refereeing duties. The referee's decision shall be final in all matters concerning the frame and he shall award points for any infringement without waiting for the players to claim.
Once begun play should be continuous. If no player is available for the next frame after play has ceased on both tables, then the match is at an end and the remaining frames scored as below under players short (rule 9 [h] ).
Should any player concede a frame, then his opponent will have the option of either adding the remaining points to his score or leaving the score as it stands.
e) Scores.
The results from each frame must be entered on the appropriate match sheet. At the end of the frame the aggregate scores must be totalled. One point is awarded for each frame and one for the aggregate. Both captains will sign the sheet.
Once signed, the match card will be a final and incontestable record of the match result.
f) Results.
The home captain shall text or email the score immediately after the game to the match secretary. He shall then email a picture of the match sheet before midnight of the following day. A fine will be imposed for any result arriving later than the times set out above.
If a match result has not arrived, team may be requested, at the next delegates’ meeting, to supply a copy. If the copy has not been delivered to the match secretary within a week of the request, then any points the team would have gained from that match will be lost.
g) Ties.
If a frame is tied, then the black will be respotted. If the aggregate is found to be tied at the end of all six frames, then the teams will get 1/2 point each.
h) Players short.
If a team is a player short, then the point for that frame shall be awarded to the other team. The aggregate shall be scored 50 - 0.
A player who has no opponent will be recorded as having won the frame by one point for the purposes of rankings, handicaps etc.
i) Doubling up.
A player may only play one frame on any match night; doubling up is not permitted.
j) Breaches of rules.
If a team is found to have fielded a player in breach of Rule 7 or Rule 9, then any points that player wins will be deducted, and the aggregate will be adjusted as if the team were a player short.
k) Failure to turn up.
1. If a team fails to turn up for a match without securing the prior consent of the match secretary and the agreement of the other team, (see Rule 9 [a]) then the match will be awarded to the opponents and scored 5-0 unless the opponents, at their discretion, agree to arrange to replay the match. However, if a fixture is not played in the last five weeks of a season, then that match must be reorganised and played.
2. If a team fails to turn up without giving reasonable notice, then they will be expected to recompense the home side for the cost of any refreshments laid on.
l) Refreshments.
It is not essential for home teams to provide refreshments; most teams do not do so. A name card may be sold to help meet the expenses if refreshments are provided.
m) League positions.
The positions shall be decided by the number of points gained in league matches. In the case of a tie then (a) by the aggregate points scored, then (b) if still level, then by the highest number of matches won and then (c) if still level a play-off shall be arranged.
At the end of the season trophies will be awarded to the winners and runners-up in each division. The top two teams in the lower divisions shall automatically be promoted and the next four will enter a playoff; the winner of this will also be promoted. The bottom three in the higher divisions shall be relegated, subject to the approval of the A.G.M.
a) General.
All teams in the league will be entered in the Knock-out Cup. Any team losing in the first rounds of the Knock-out Cup will be entered in the Knock-out Shield. The draw for these competitions will be arranged by the match secretary.
b) Qualification.
Every player must have played at least two games for his club before appearing in either knock-out competition. If a player is not properly qualified, the aggregate will be adjusted as if the team was a player short.
c) Draw.
Each captain will write the names of all his players on a team sheet in whatever order he chooses. The 'top three' rule used in league matches does not apply to knock out matches.
d) Results.
The results of Knock-out matches are decided by the aggregate score between the teams, irrespective of frames won.
e) Ties.
If a frame is tied, that score will be entered on the card. If the aggregate is found to be tied after all six frames, then the last two players will respot the black to decide the match.
f) Handicaps.
Players will play off their current handicap marks.
If a player plays off a higher handicap than he was entitled to, then the aggregate will be adjusted by ten times the difference between the correct handicap and the wrong handicap.
g) Cup tied.
Once a player has played for one team in either competition, he is cup tied and may not appear for any other team that season.
h) Breaches of rules.
If a team is found to have fielded a player in breach of Rule 10(b) or 10(g), then any points that player wins will be deducted, and the aggregate will be adjusted as if the team were a player short.
i) Finals.
Finals will be played at a venue agreed by the delegates. The captains will toss for the first choice of players at these matches.
j) Other matters
In all other matters the rules as for league matches will apply.
a) General.
All teams will enter a divisional cup, open only to teams from that division. The final will be played at a venue agreed by the delegates. Matches will be played on Thursdays as specified by the match secretary.
b) Qualification.
For the purpose of this competition, every player must [a] have played at least two league games for his club before appearing in the Divisional Cup competition and [b] must not have played more than half his games for the club’s other team or teams.
c) Cup tied.
If a club has more than one team entered in the Divisional Cup, then a player may only appear for one team.
d) Breaches of rules.
If a team is found to have fielded a player in breach of Rule 11(b) or 11(c), then any points that player wins will be deducted, and the aggregate will be adjusted as if the team were a player short. If a team fails to turn up for a match, the other team shall be awarded four points, or their average score in the competition, whichever is the higher.
e) Play and Results.
A random draw of all six players shall be made before the match (no 'top three' rule to be applied). All frames shall be played off scratch; i.e. starting at 0-0.
At the end of the match the aggregate scores for each player will be added to the total handicaps for the whole team. The team with the highest total (of player aggregates + individual handicaps) will win the tie.
f) Ties.
If there is a tied aggregate and drawn game, the last two players shall respot the black to achieve a result.
g) Other matters
In all other matters the rules as for league matches will apply.
a) General.
The league will organise individual competitions. Draws for these competitions will be arranged by the match secretary.
b) Entry.
Players may enter any of these competitions subject to paying the entry fee decided at the A.G.M.
Players must have played at least two games for their club by the mid point in the season, or else they will be disqualified.
For the Pairs Tournament, all players must have played at least five league matches.
c) Phone Numbers.
If a player does not supply a valid personal phone number (home or mobile) with his entry, then he will automatically be drawn away in all rounds.
d) Senior Merit and Hornby Handicap
All players may enter either or both of these competitions
e) Veterans' Handicap
Any reigistered player aged over 50 at the start of the season may enter the Veterans' Handicap
f) Tony Ellis Trophy
The Tony Ellis Trophy (formerly the Junior Merit) is organised for players of lesser experience and skill; entry into this competition shall be determined by handicap marks. The General Committee will determine a suitable handicap and entries will only be accepted from players on or above that mark who have been registered with the league for at least one season.
g) Handicaps.
In the Senior Merit and Tony Ellis Trophy all games are played off scratch. In the Hornby Handicap and Veteran’s Handicap players play each frame off their current league handicap.
h) Play.
Matches will be decided by the best of three frames, up to and including the semi-finals. The final shall be the best of five frames. It is the winner's responsibility to notify the match secretary of the result by the date specified. Failure to do so will lead to exclusion from the next round.
i) Arranging matches.
It is the responsibility of BOTH players to contact each other to arrange a suitable time and night for the match to be played. A player who has tried and failed to make contact may claim the match by notifying the match secretary BEFORE the deadline specified. If neither player claims, both will be disqualified.
j) Results.
It is the responsibility of the winner to ensure that the result is notified to the match secretary. If a result is not notified BEFORE the deadline, the player will be eliminated even if he has won.
k) Finals.
Finals will be arranged at a date and time specified by the General Committee. They will take place at a venue agreed by the delegates. A player who is not available on that date will forfeit the match, unless the match secretary has agreed to postpone the match. Such agreement is only to be given in exceptional circumstances.
l) Late arrival.
In all rounds, including the final,, the first frame may be claimed if the opponent is more than 15 minutes late, and the match if more than 30 minutes later than the time agreed.
m) Excluded players.
Any current or former (in last 10 years) players on the Main Snooker Tour, the Challenger Tour or Q Tour, will not be permitted to enter any individual competitions
The General Committee may approve the organisation of other competitions (e.g. for pairs), prizes (e.g. for Player of the Season, highest breaks etc) or functions (e.g. inter-league matches or presentations) under any conditions that may seem appropriate.
a) Every player or supporter visiting other clubs is at all times subject to the rules of the home club.
b) Complaints about a player's conduct must be referred as soon as possible to a member of the Management Committee and raised at the next General Committee meeting. Players concerned will be entitled to appear before the General Committee before any final decision is made.
c) The Management Committee shall be able to take appropriate interim disciplinary measures pending the final hearing at the next General Committee Meeting.
Any matter which is not covered by the preceding rules shall be dealt with by the General Committee.