Crown Lands

Legend = Crown Lands in light green

A unique feature of the lake's Crown Lands are that they are all water accessible and approximately 12 are islands

Old Growth Forest

The Forest is 153.87 acres or 62.27 hec and represents the largest tract of Crown Land on the lake.

Deer Yard

Deer yards are areas containing suitable conifer cover and sources of winter feed that have traditionally supported deer populations throughout the winter season. The district will attempt to ensure that these areas are maintained as wintering areas for deer.

Hurds Creek

According to the Ontario's Crown Land Use Policy Atlas the marshy area at the entrance to Hurds Creek is designated as Crown Land

The section of Hurds Creek from Manning Rd to the Renfrew Power Generation (RPG) control dam, as with all lakes and streams, overlays Crown Land which extends 66' onshore from the waterline. In the above map private lots extend to the 66' right-of-way except where the pink hash mark indicates that RPG has tenure over the crown land in the 3 marked sections. Note also that crown land extends around the culvert area of Manning Rd.