Art and Nature

Lake Clear has long been renowned for its aesthetic appeal. In the 1950s A.Y. Jackson began visiting the lake as did his artist friends Ralph Burton, Maurice Haycock and Charles Comfort. They left a legacy that has inspired many contemporary artists. Today the lake has a growing presence of permanent and visiting artists many of whom are portrayed in this document.

"Big Rock", pictured below, is probably the lake's best known physical feature and symbolizes the rugged physiography in the area bounded by the Petawawa fault along the western side of the lake.

A.Y. Jackson 1961

Charles Comfort early 1960s (click to enlarge)

Charles Comfort early 1960s (click to enlarge)

The lake is in Ecodistrict 5-E11 (Bancroft Ecodistrict) which is part of Ecozone 5-E (Georgian Bay Ecozone), eco districts and zones are helpful ways of understanding more about the natural features expected to found within them. For instance ecodistrict 5-e11 would be expected to have these types of trees, shrubs and vines.