Team USA vs Team Korea, November 7

Post date: Nov 3, 2009 3:34:22 AM

The Korea Forensics League is proud to host the American WSDC team. Saturday, November 7 the teams will compete in a debate that is free and open to the public.

Who: Open to the public

What: Team USA v Team Korea debate

Where: Hanyoung Foreign Language High School (See directions below.)

When: 6pm, Saturday, November 7

How much: FREE

If you have questions about this or any other event, call 02-2051-5051 or email us at


If you are a KFL adult liaison or student liaison, please contact if you would like to attend an additional private debate between Korea's debaters and the American team that will be followed up or be preceded by a lunch. The cost for the event is only your share of lunch.


강변역(2호선) 일반(광주행) 13, 15-3

잠실역(2호선 7번출구) 일반버스(고덕지구행) 3412, 3413 학교앞 하차

고덕역(5호선 상일동행) E마트 방향 도보10분

88올림픽도로 암사동 IC로 진입 200m 진입후 우회전 (고덕역방향) 2Km직진 E마트에서 우회전

500m직진 본교