There Is No Enemy There Is No Loss

Post date: Dec 16, 2018 5:45:9 AM

There is no enemy. There is just fear that can take the shape of attack.

There is no loss. For what can be lost appeared, but never existed in its own right, separate from Reality, Awareness, which never appears or disappears and is the source of all appearances in order to express, create, invent, celebrate, fix and heal all as its infinite potential manifests in infinite ways, including harmful, sick, hateful ones. 

When consciousness thinks, it can think anything including all the lies and errors like 2+2=8. Believing them real does not make them real.

Suffering is the feedback that thinking/feeling is not aligned with truth.

Love, peace, happiness, comfort, security, playfulness, beauty is the feedback that thinking/feeling/perceiving is aligned with truth.

Wisdom never suffers.

Wisdom is thinking that is referring back to, representing, expressing, evoking Truth.

Suffering is seeking the end of suffering. 

Seeking for something that is not present here/now is seeking in the wrong direction.

What is aware of the hate, the seeking of love?

What is aware of conflict and war, the seeking of peace?

What is aware of the fear, the seeking of safety?

What is aware of the unhappiness, the seeking of happiness?

What is aware of the discomfort, the seeking of comfort?

What is aware of the insecurity, the seeking of security?

What is aware of the somberness, the seeking of playfulness?

What is aware of the ugliness, the seeking of beauty?

Awareness - the absolute Love of Being

Awareness - The absolute Peace of Being

Awareness - The absolute Safety of Being

Awareness - The absolute Happiness of Being

Awareness - The absolute Comfort of Being

Awareness - The absolute Security of Being

Awareness - The absolute Playfulness of Being

Awareness - The absolute Beauty of Being

How would we know what to seek if it did not exist here/now? 

We know because it is what we are. Seeking is the overlooking of what we are.

Finding is the recognition of what we are, of what is ever-present, here/now.