Meditation on Anxiety

Post date: May 09, 2020 10:55:43 PM

Anxious, pressured, rushed!

Anxious about being anxious!

Not wanting to be anxious.

Not having permission to be anxious!

Who is this one that is anxious and has no permission to be anxious?

It is not "I", Awareness!

It is a dream character appearing in me, Awareness.

The suffering comes, not from being anxious, but from not having permission to be anxious!

There is great relief when this dream character has total permission to be as anxious as he needs to be for as long as he needs to be.

"I", Awareness, freely give this permission, as I have no problem with the appearance of this anxious dream character. 

"I", Awareness, welcome, embrace, and accept her as she is. 

And the dream transforms from a horrid nightmare to a pleasant dream - where feeling anxious is no longer a problem; having the freedom to be as anxious as I need to be for as long as I need to be.

Now the dream character can even become curious about his anxiety and explore it. 

Anxious about what?

The first three are not a problem in a supportive, nurturing, accepting, learning environment.

The second three are from a rejecting, hostile, judgmental, oppressive, violent, harmful, sick environment.

The last is about overlooking and denying that the environment is hurtful and hateful, and blaming herself instead.

It turns out that there is nothing to fear, except the abusive, hostile, rejecting, violent, oppressive, traumatizing, blaming, sick environment.

It is the environment that is bad, unlovable, broken!

How to meet this environment non-violently, with love and intelligence?

No, not how, as how will be determined by the context in which it is appearing.

Rather, this can be met with love and intelligence. This will be met with love and intelligence when we know and come from our True Self - pure Being, pure Awareness, Love and Intelligence itself; and see this is also the Truth about the hurt, frightened, hostile, violent, ill other. 

Then the response can come from a place of compassionate accountability that will protect from the hostile, violent, harmful behavior and won't allow it to continue when possible. 
