
Google Classroom is Google's newest tool for teachers. Classroom works as a mini-Learning Management System (LMS) that allows teachers to organize their students into classes, share assignments, and communicate - all through a digital platform. Google created it for the novices among us - so any teacher can jump in and start using today.

Google Classroom 101

Session - Google Classroom


What is Google Classroom?

1 Minute Demo

5 Minute Demo

Getting Started Guide (Teacher)

Getting Started w Google Classroom - Teacher

Getting Started with Google Classroom

Set-up Google Classroom

Getting Started Guide (Student)

Getting Started w Google Classroom - Student

Create a class

Add a Calendar

Create an assignment

Google Classroom + Doctopus + Goobric (Advanced)

Grade an assignment

Student View

Google Classroom, Doctopu... - The Ultimate Workflow!

Add Students

Create Group Assignments

Best Practices!

Click on a slide to see the individual 'best practice' slide.