Individual Rotation

Individual Rotation is the most personalized model of all the blended models we are considering. In an individual rotation, each student follows a customized schedule set by either an algorithm or by teachers. The schedule moves students through a variety of activities, touching on a variety of learning modalities throughout the day. Students transition between stations at prescribed times - but unlike the station rotation model, they are transitioning based on their individual needs and not those of the group. These stations include independent online course work (watching teacher-created videos or participating in an e-course), small-group instruction, collaborative work stations, and larger face-to-face group interaction.


At Teach to One, students take end-of-day assessments that identify specific lessons and resources required to meet an individual student's needs - not only in terms of content but modality and even learning style. An algorithm creates a special schedule tailored to fit the needs of that student for the following day. Just like Netflix, the algorithm looks for trends in each student. Over time, it identifies which modalities and learning styles the student learns best from, and leans towards them for future content.


At Carpe Diem schools in Arizona, students transition between stations in a layout that includes a central learning commons in the center with breakout rooms on the sides. Students follow an individualized playlist that guides them from station to station (typically in 35 minute increments). See Carpe Diem in action by watching this video, or watch their promotional video below.

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Alliance's PACE program follows the individual rotation model, as well.