
The flex model is defined by the use of online learning as the foundation - or backbone - of student learning. Flex models often direct student learning off-line, but most of the learning occurs online. Flex models still require students to be in a physical school with a real live adult human teacher. Students follow a learning path that is specific to them.

Sounds similar to the individual model, doesn't it? It is. They are practically one and the same. Tom Vander Ark of Getting Smart explains how flex differs from the other rotations, saying, “Rotation schools add some online learning to what otherwise may look like a traditional school, [whereas] Flex schools start with online learning and add physical supports and connections where valuable.” The flex model is common with nontraditional high schools, credit recovery, etc.


What is Flex Model?


Flex Model at Summit Schools

A Virtual Tour of Acton Academy

Touchstone Education