
Topic 1 - The Study of History & Introduction

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This unit is concerned with historiography - understanding what history is and what the historian does.

Handouts and Assignments:


Glossary Assignment (full term for up to 5% bonus on final mark)

Topic 1 Questions

Map blank for topic #1 questions.

"Essay Writing Guide" from the University of Alberta's History and Classics Department -- with good links to manuals.

"The History Paper, Part I; Seven Suggestions for Writing Good Historical Essays", by Ronald Schatz and Jeff Nelson.

"Writing History Essays" - a university level guide to essay papers.

Fundamental Themes of 20th Century History

Good Web pages on Historiography:

The History Guide - What is History? from History in Focus (The University of London, UK)

"Historiography" at Wikipedia.

What famous people have said about History, from

"Studying History" from Paul Halsall's Internet Modern History Sourcebook

What is History About

Paul Newall's "Philosophy of History" gives a good acount of the problems of studying history.

"Internet for Historians"

"Alternatime" - Timelines on the Internet by George Emery

Stefan Blaschke "The History Journals Guide"

Ordinarilly I do not recommend sources where the author does not clearly identify himself or herself. "Spinning Clio; Where History and Politics Meet" is a blogsite that is very useful - try the "Introduction to Historical Method" material -- excellent.

Historical Skills Pages from the University of Notingham's Open CourseWare pages:

Dating Documents - a look at how historical documents may be dated using systems other than our anno domini methhod.

Using Archives - something that original research generally requires.

Weights and Measurements - A look at conventions other than our own.

Great Big Link Pages for History:

A Student's Guide to the Study of History from The History Guide.

The World History Compass

Voice of the Shuttle; History Page - outstanding history links.

HyperHistory Online

Great Britain's National Archives Learning Curve site

Margaret Vail Anderson's Digital Librarian; History Page

Richard Hacken's EuroDocs collection of Western European Historical Documents

Plan for this Unit - 2011

History PowerPoint Presentations:

Please be patient. These presentations may take a minute or so to load.

Theories of History

Themes of the 20th Century

Writing History Essays

Studying History

Using MLA style (from Purdue University, modified by Mr. Benoy)

Online Video Material

James Nagle's short video: Why do We Study History

historians talk about History's Value Today

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