
Assignments & Selected Handouts:

Introduction & Ideologies:

What is Government Handout

Political Ideology Diagram - Circle

Political Ideologies as a Line

Ideologies Handout

Ideologies Crossword Puzzle

Article Marx's Law

Article Smith's Law

Parties & Elections:

Electoral Systems Handout & Assignment

Elections Canada

Young Voters from Elections Canada

Elections BC

Registering to Vote in a BC Eelction

Electoral Experimentation in BC (from the Citizens' Assembly}

Animation Explaining BC-STV voting system, recommended by the Citizens' Assembly

CBC News In Depth; Attack Ads - Examples of successful negative political advertising.

Federal Parties Update

BC Parties Update

Political Parties & their Policies Internet Assignment

CBC News In Depth Crossing the Floor About elected officials who change parties while in office.

Campaigning For Canada.. Sound & Video Files From the CBC Archives

Legislative, Executive & Judicial Branches:

Watch Parliament on CPAC

Questions for the Our National Parliament video

A really simple, easy to read and clear explanation of Canadian Government can be found at Filibuster's site - Canada's Government

Guide to the House of Commons, From the Parliament of Canada Website. Also Available as a PDF File easilly printed for study purposes.

Wikipedia's House of Commons entry for an excellent description and outstanding links.

On the Job With a Member of Parliament, From the Parliament of Canada Website.

On the Job With a Member of Parliament - An older and slightly different, but still useful version of the above.

A Week in the House of Commons, From the Parliament of Canada Website.

Senate Reform Readings

Maple Leaf Web's Excellent Senate Material

CBC's News in Depth; Reforming the Senate.

Try Nelson's Canadian Politics on the Web site. Excellent links.

Canada's System of Justice - Federal Department of Justice

The Courts

The Supreme Court of Canada

BC Law Courts Education Society

J.P. Boyd's Family Law Resource

Questions for the video: Human Rights Are Your Rights

Questions for the video: Human Rights in Canada

The Youth Criminal Justice Act

BC Human Rights Tribunal

BC Civil Liberties Association

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Student Rights in British Columbia


Constitutional Reform Since Patriation

Questions forConstitution video

Questions for the Evolution of the Canadian Constitution filmstrip #1

Questions for the Evolution of the Canadian Constitution filmstrip #2

Questions for the Evolution of the Canadian Constitution filmstrip #3

Canada's Constitutional Debate: What Makes a Nation? Sound & Video Files From the CBC Archives

Charting the Future: Canada's New Constitution. Sound & Video Files From the CBC Archives

Constitutional Discord: Meech Lake. Sound & Video Files From the CBC Archives

BC & Municipal Governments:

The Legislature of British Columbia

Questions for the Local & Provincial Government video

Elections BC

David Schreck's Strategic Thoughts

Raif Mair Online

The Fraser Institute

City of North Vancouver

District of North Vancouver