
Teacher Resources

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Introduction to PowerPoint (pdf file). Workshop given at Curriculum Implementation Day, November 3, 2006 and at a subsequent District Professional Day. Note: AV files do not play within the programme).

Sympodium Demonstration material for April 23, 2007 Professional Day at Sutherland Secondary:


Susan M. Pojer's website http://Historyteacher.net is the most incredible teacher site I have encountered. She has 170 quality PowerPoint presentations in her PowerPoint Palooza pages and tremendous links. My humble site does not compare.

For access to an unbelievable number of television history documentaries, see http://popperslist.blogspot.com/ . These are uploaded from British television.

http://WorldPress.org samples papers from around the globe, translates, and places them in one easy to access location. This is far superior to news samplers like Google news. These are the same people who published the much respected World Press Review, that I subscribed to back in the 1980s.

A Remembrance Day PowerPoint Presentation

Template for Jeopardy (in PowerPoint)

Purdue Writing Tips. The Online Writing Lab

Web 2.0 Workshop - An amazing series of 54 short clips from teacher Vicki Davis and Atomic Learning, describing how Web 2.0 (New, free and cheap interactive web tools) can be used in the classrrom. This is must-see material for all teachers.

Micha Ovadia's Poducate Me Guide - information about and help with podcasting.

Ed-Tech Magazine - online

The Center for Teaching History with Technology

OWL PowerPoint:

Google Language Tools - online translation software.

Babelfish - Altavista's venerable but wonderful online translator.

PowerPoint in the Classroom. An online tutorial that works for adults and students.

Microsoft's PowerPoint support page - link to online tutorials and help.

Online PowerPoint Tutorial links page from the University of Alberta.

Useful Software Downloads, Online services and Sign-ups.

Skype - Voice over Internet telephony. Free download. Free phone calls with other Skype useres anywhere in the world. Cheap international calls out to regular telephone lines. A decent headset with microphone is needed or a Skype compatable phone.

ANVsoft Flash Slideshow Maker - take your own images and turn them into a flash slideshow. Free version.

Irfanview - a terrific slide view. Free.

Zamzar - How often do students send you files that you can't open on your computer? Use this free online service to convert their files.

Google Earth - How ever did we teach Social Studies without this? Zoom into any place on the planet and view satellite images and map overlays.

Google Blogger - Fabulous for communicating changing information to students and parents. Set up your own blog in minutes. No computer knowledge required.

Edublogs - Another useful blogging tool. This is simple to start with and has nice customizing features.

Classblogmeister - This is a blogging system set up for classroom use. Make class blogs and review student articles before publication. This is part of the Landmark Project.

Google Page Creator - As easy to use as Blogger. This is in Google Labs, click on the name to access the programme. If you can word-process, you are over-qualified for web page creation using this programme. This site was created on it.

Google Docs and Spreadsheets - create documents and spreadsheets that you can work cooperatively on with others. Students can use this to work on group assignments together.

Google Notebook - another useful collaborative tool. Make notes and clip web information. Do this alone or people you elect to have join you on a project.

Picassa - organize and view images. You can even store photo-albums online at no cost.

Cool Text Graphics Generator

Rasterbator - Cool programme that allows you to take small pictures and blow them up to poster size, using a standard printer to print portions at a time. Completely free.

Guba - a video source of tremendous variety. The free service has some wonderful documentaries. I haven't bothered with the premium, paid service.

Handy Links

BC Social Studies Teachers' Association

Good Viewing & Listening:

Videos of great talks by some global cutting edge thinkers.

United Streaming - a paid service from the US Discovery channel & Waynor media in Canada. Free trial. Well worth the subscription.

My Favourite Channel. A wealth of information & links. Listen to BBC radio. Look at their subject material. Keep up with decent news.

The Archeology Channel. Streaming video clips on the human cultural heritage.

The Journal for Multimedia History is a terrific starting place to find Historical material on the web.

e-School News Online . American online journal with interesting links that looks at teaching with technology.

US National Endowment for the Humanities website for teachers. Quite American, but with plenty of global content too.

Edutopia - free US online journal with an emphasis on technology.

Teachers sharing resources over the Internet. An educators' Wiki.

Verizon's Thinkfinity site - Formerly Marco Polo. Heaps of teaching materials.

Reuters News Agency. Get your news from the agency that provides it -- without the local modifications. Get an RSS news feed, if you want.

Nova has a good collection of free video on demand programmes.

Frontline has a large collection of video on demand programmes - also free.

Frontline World is another video on demand collection.

Wide Angle - From PBS. A collection of human interest video documentaries.

Bill Moyer's Faith & Reason - Wonderful material from one of America's best commentators.

You Tube - This is an excellent source of material for the classroom -- along with heaps of junk.

TED - Videos of inspiring speeches by world changing people.

Daryl Cagle's Page - Political cartoons for every situation.

Teacher Tube - You Tube for educators and students -- still in its infancy, but with huge potential - and loads of rubbish.

Hoover Institution's Uncommon Knowledge Series

Half hour shows on public policy.

Berkely University Webcasts - University & public lectures in many areas. Great material.

Also visit their additional online audio & video page (with material going back decades).

CBC Archives

A huge collection of streamed video.

See TV

Watch live TV from around the planet.

The History Channel - The US version

WGBH Forum - Online Lectures from Boston's Public Broadcasting Station.

MIT World - Distributed Intelligence - Online video of MIT public events.

Low resoution but good video content from Discovery Education.

History According to Bob - History podcasts from Professor Bob Packett of Maple Woods Community College in Kansas City. Short lectures on fascinating historical topics.

Matt's Today in History 5-10 minute sound files of interesting moments in history. Good for the History adicts among us, but Matt Dattilo is a techie, not a historian.

Environmental History Podcasts from Professor Jan Oosthoek at Britain's University of Newcastle.

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