
Final Unit Questions

Topic 5 - Transformation & Tension; 1945-1963

Topic 6 - Progress & Uncertainty; 1963-1991

Origins of the Cold War:

1. Summarize the events leading to the split up of the wartime alliance of the Western Powers and the USSR. Why did mutual distrust develop?

2. What change occurred in the attitude of the Western Powers toward Germany in the immediate post-war years?

3. What was Churchill trying to accomplish in his March, 1946 address in Missouri? Was his assessment a fair one?

4. Why did the people of China respond so much more to Mao Zedong and the Communists, rather than to Chiang Kai-Shek and the Kuomintang?

5. How did the Civil War end in China? What was the role of the United States? Where did the remnants of the Kuomintang flee to?

6. What role was the United Nations Organization intended to play in the post-war world? Has it lived up to expectations? Why or why not?

7. What is the Security Council? Why was this included in the organization?

8. Explain the Truman Doctrine and its relationship to the Marshall Plan. Was the American fear of international Communism totally justified? Describe the Marshall Plan and what it achieved.

9. Explain the origin and meaning of the Domino Theory.

10. Summarize the events of the Berlin Crisis - the first serious crisis of the Cold War. What led to its development and how did it help to create the organization of NATO. How was it a moral victory for the West.

11. How was Korea divided? Why did friction exist between the two parts of Korea prior to 1950?

12. Do Exercise 1, page 214 in DeMarco.

13. What was China's role in the Korean War?

14. How was peace achieved in Korea?


15. What was Eisenhower's attitude toward the new revolutionary regime in Cuba? What plan did he initiate to solve the Cuban problem? How did President Kennedy act upon this plan and with what result?

16. Do Exercise 8 on page 224 of DeMarco.

17. How and why did America escalate her involvement in Vietnam?

18. Why was the term cult of personality used to describe the last years of Stalin's power in the Soviet Union?

19. What was de-Stalinization? Why was Khruschev's speech to the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union so significant? How did news of this speech lead to trouble in both Poland and Hungary in 1956 and how were these situations resolved.

20. How did Khruschev's agricultural policy ultimately prove his undoing? What was the long term ecological consequence of his Virgin Lands project for the Aral Sea?

The Developing World

21. Why did Britain eventually "quit India"? What successor states emerged and why was there conflict within and between these states?

22. What is Zionism?

23. Do questions a-d, Exercise 1 on page 243 of DeMarco.

24. Why did the Arab countries neighbouring Palestine not agree to the partition of Palestine?

25. What was the result of the 1948 war and how did this result in a refugee problem in the region?

26. Consult a map of the region. Why did Arab control of Sinai and the Straits of Tiran pose a problem for Israel?

27. What is the Arab League?

28. Who were the Fedayeen?

29. What happened in Egypt in 1952?

30. Summarize the events leading up to the Suez Crisis of 1956.

31. Briefly outline the events of the 1956 war. What nations were involved and what was the result for each?

Nuclear Nightmares

32. Briefly summarize the Cuban missile Crisis of 1962 and its consequences.

33. Explain the concept of nuclear deterrence. Explain how technological developments brought about an ongoing arms race between the major powers in an attempt to preserve a credible deterrent.

34. What did the Super-Powers do to try to reduce the threat of nuclear war? How did technological advances undermine arms agreements?

35. What eventually convinced the Super-Powers to abandon the nuclear arms race and begin to reduce their massive nuclear stockpiles?


36. The end of the Second World War marked the beginning of de-colonization. Why?

37. Why were so many colonies not prepared for self-government?

38. Why was the prospect of native rule viewed with alarm by European settlers in places like Kenya and Algeria?

39. Who were the Colons and why did they wish to ensure that Algeria remained a French colony? How did the French government respond to them? What was President DeGaulle's position? Why?

40. How did the British respond to black nationalism? Why is MacMillan's "Winds of Change" speech considered to be important?

41. How was Vietnam divided in the Geneva Agreement of 1954? Who ruled in the North? Who ruled in the South?

42. Who were the NLF? The Vietcong? How did America become involved in the fighting in South Vietnam and what were its war aims?

43. Explain the reasons for Truman's failure in domestic affairs?

44. Why was Senator Joseph McCarthy able to create a red scare in the United States in the 1950's?

The Developed World

45. Evaluate Dwight D. Eisenhower's years as president. To what extent was he a success in domestic and foreign policy?

46. Why does one of your texts make the following statement: "In a very real sense, Kennedy was more potent in death than in life"?

47. Why was Lyndon B. Johnson unable to build the Great Society during his years as President of the United States?

48. What did the events of Watergate demonstrate to Congress and the American people?

49. For Jimmy Carter foreign policy was both a stunning success and his undoing. Why?

50. How was President Ronald Reagan's hostility to Communism reflected in American policy during the 1980's - particularly in regard to Central America? How was this sentiment reflected in American popular culture during this time? Refer specifically to Hollywood movies from this era.

51. Describe the economic, political and social changes to post-war Japan made by General Douglas MacArthur.

52. What directions have the Japanese taken in foreign policy since 1945? Why?

53. Account for the Japanese Economic Miracle.

54. What effects did World War II and its aftermath have on the great colonial empires of Europe?

55. What political changes happened in Britain, France, Italy and Germany in the immediate post-war years? What was the attitude of the governments of each of these nations to the nationalization of key industries?

56. What was the OEEC and what was its importance in the revival of Western Europe?

57. What brought about a rejuvenation of political conservatism in Western Europe? Why did the influence of Communism decline?

58. What was the Schuman Plan? What did it result in? Who took part.

59. Why did Great Britain not join the ECSC?

60. Trace the evolution of the European Economic Community? How has it grown since the signing of the Treaty of Rome?

61. Describe Ostpolitik.

62. What was accomplished with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975?

Red Change

63. What was the Prague Spring? How did the Soviet Union Respond to it?

64. Why was Brezhnev's period of leadership characterized as a time of corruption and stagnation?

65. How did Gorbachev's coming to power bring change to the USSR?

66. Why did the USSR involve itself in Afghanistan? Why has this war been described as the Soviet Union's "Vietnam"? What parallels can you draw between the Afghani and Vietnamese wars?

67. What brought about the collapse of communism in Europe? Trace events in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union in explaining how this happened.

68. How did the fall of communism affect international relations?

69. What is the mandate of heaven and how did it pass to Mao Zedong and the Communist Party of China?

70. What is democratic centralism and ho has it ensured strong central government in Communist China?

71. What were the successes of China's first five year plan? What problems were associated with it?

72. What motivated Mao to begin the Hundred Flowers Campaign? How did it end?

73. What was the Great Leap Forward and what did it achieve?

74. How did the Sino-Soviet Split come about?

75. What was the Cultural Revolution and what impact did it have on China?

76. How has China changed since Mao's death?

77. What did the crushing of pro-democracy demonstrators in Tienanmen Square indicate about the Chinese government's apparent liberalization?

Middle East Confrontation

78. What was El Fatah? Where were they based?

79. What problem did Syrian control of the Golan Heights pose to Israel?

80. Briefly outline the 1967 War. What was the result?

81. What is the PLO? Who became its leader? What are its goals and how successful has it been in achieving them?

82. What were Israel's problems in Jerusalem and in the West Bank? How did she deal with them?

83. Briefly outline the Yom Kippur War of 1973. What was the result?

84. What is OPEC and why was it established?

85. What role did Henry Kissinger play in the Middle East?

86. What did Anwar Sadat do in 1977 and what were the results - for the region and for him personally?

87. Why have the Arabs achieved so little in the struggle against Israel?

88. Why was the Gulf War fought in 1990?

89. Why did Saddam Hussein launch scud missiles against Israel during this war? What was he trying to achieve?

An End to White Rule

90. Why was de-colonization in Southern Rhodesia a particular problem? How did white Rhodesians respond to Britain's intention to grant majority rule?

91. Summarize the events from the Unilateral Declaration of Independence to the establishment of majority rule in an independent Zimbabwe.

92. How did the Portuguese manage to retain their colonies until 1974-75? Why did their control disintegrate so quickly?

93. What factors contributed to the rise of Black nationalism?

94. Who are the Afrikaaners and how did they establish political dominance in South Africa?

95. What was apartheid? Provide examples of its practice in South Africa.

96. Do questions a-d, Exercise 6 on page 239 of DeMarco.

97. How did South Africa manage to resist pressure for change from inside and outside the country until the 1990's?

98. Where was the South African government vulnerable? Why? Explain why South Africa faced increasing difficulties after 1970?

99. What problems does the current government of South Africa face in the early 21st century? How are these problems similar to those faced by other African governments? Why is South Africa in a better position than most other African governments to deal with these difficulties?