
The Light of Experience


1. Civilisation, by Sir Kenneth Clark, pp. 167-192.

2. The Creative Impulse, by Dennis Sporre, pp. 296-333.

3. Library Resources.

4. Internet Sources:

· Good Baroque images can be found at

· Images of Baroque, Enlightenment and other paintings can be found at the Webmuseum's artists' page at

Other great images can be found at Carol Gerten's CGFA site at


1. Civilization - The Light of Experience, (filmstrip).

2. Art of the Western World - Realms of Light


Research (5 marks), Hals or minor masters Art analysis (10), Vermeer or Rembrandt Art Analysis (10). Total: 30 marks.

Suggested Time:

Two periods.


    1. 1. Describe the characteristics of FRANS HALS' paintings

    2. 2. What was VERMEER interested in revealing in his art?

    3. 3. What is striking about the work of REMBRANDT, both in his paintings and etchings?

    4. 4. Prepare an art analysis of one work by either Frans Hals or one of the minor Dutch masters, like Potter, Steen, de Hooch, or Cuyp.

  1. 5. Prepare an art analysis of one work by either Vermeer or Rembrandt.

6. Listen carefully to one piece of Baroque music that you like. Write a description of it and explain what it is about this piece that impresses you. (Try my favourite, Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring if you can’t think of a place to start.)