Library Marketing & Signage - College of San Mateo

    Drawing on some of my design skills, I've been able to create some new signage for the library as well as marketing materials that 'advertise' our library databases.

A graphic for our main webpage featuring ProQuest's Biology Journals


    A 'table topper' promoting NoodleBib

Another graphic promoting Films On Demand

A graphic for ProQuest's Psychology Journals

 A hanging sign advertising the self-check-out machine

Another hanging sign advertising the printer

    The new self-check-out sign seems to be doing the trick for attracting attention -- as far as I have informally observed, the self-check-out kiosk is being used more by patrons in the time since the sign was installed (just over 1 year ago).  The printer sign has only recently been installed, but my hope is that it will make it easier for students to locate where they can pick up their printed pages, as well as give them some more information about the available options for printing (black and white vs. color).