LibGuides - CSM

    I've created several LibGuides for the CSM Library that are a bit out-of-the-box, since they cover library resources outside of traditional subject areas: Finding and Using Online Videos, Current Issues, and Faculty Guide to Library Resources. Online Videos was created in part because the CSM Library subscribed to the Films on Demand database, and I felt it was important to present some step-by-step instructions for how students and faculty can find and use online videos for classes, presentations, and research.  The Faculty Guide was created partially in response to the Library Resources in WebAccess project discussed elsewhere, but also as a way of expanding on the various resources and services at the library that may be of particular interest to faculty.  Additionally, I created the Current Issues guide in response to a student assignment researching current events, and I'm particularly proud of the "Using Sources in Argumentative Essays" page, which describes how students should navigate the landscape of different kinds of sources about current events and the potential biases in those sources.

In spring 2014, I created an Anthropology guide to help students taking Anthropology at CSM.  I liased with Anthropology professor Michele Titus in providing guidance for students looking for ethnographies to satisfy a requirement for their main research assignment in that course.  Since each individual student is required to read a different ethnography than his/her classmates, this creates a tremendous demand on library resources in this subject area.  Additionally, I performed extensive weeding and collection development in this subject area to build out our selection of these high-demand ethnographies.