Grade 4

Hanlin:  Here We Go 3 

Unit 1 How's the weather? (links here and below)       Weather Stuff

Basic vocab flashcard set. 

Review of vocabulary and sentence patterns with some Chinese translation. No supporting illustrations. Players must read quickly and answer. 

WW 3  Weather

Play through once as T/F. Then play through again with "Anagram" game to help students phonetically decode the words/phrases.

WW3 Weather 

Open the game on Wordwall by clicking on "Powered by Wordwall" at the bottom. Try the "Open the Box" game mode for more interaction by letting the students pick the question box.

WW3 Weather

Play through as sentence unscramble. Play again as anagram to help students practice phonetic decoding.

WW3Terrible or perfect_weather.pptx

Click through the "Terrible or Perfect" weather cards in the PPT. Students can learn the new weather vocabulary and categorize as good or bad. Spin the Life in Taiwan wheel for a team's points. Teacher can score points by drawing stick figure houses in 5 strokes (2 for roof, 2 walls, 1 base). If a team gets a typhoon or mudslide, erase 2 points from a house. If a team gets an earthquake, erase one whole house.

Follow up this game with a Kahoot to review this content. Then go back to the animation video in Unit 1 and review with shadowing techniques.

Unit 2  Are you thirsty?(links below)        Feelings Stuff

Kahoot: HWG Unit 2 Feelings

Unit 3  What are these?       Countable Foodstuffs

What are these?           What are those?

Teams X and O must ask their questions "What are these/those?" based on proximity to gameboard. Game cards have no prompt except "\_(^.^)_/ ?". Students must ask the question designated to their team, then flip card and answer correctly. Lots of review vocab and also new vocab to learn.

Unit 4 Do you want some pizza?       Non-countable Stuff