KLPS 113-1
Materials for middle and upper elementary students can be found here. In Taiwan the English curriculum is mostly determined by the textbook. The complexity of the vocabulary and grammar increases progressively from lower to higher grades. Textbook units are topic based, and the vocabulary presented is related to the particular topic/motif. The grammar patterns to be taught are exemplified by a particular question and answer pattern that fits an imaginary scenario inside the given topic. For example, some characters may go to another character's home and have a simple discussion about foods when the host offers refreshments, e.g. "What do you want to eat/drink? I want some < vocabulary item> please." Or, the characters may have a discussion about wanting to go to some location and how to get there, e.g. "I want to buy some <clothes vocabulary>. Let's go to the department store. How can we get there? We can go by <transportation vocabulary > " Most learning is by rehearsal which is accomplished through textbook drills, workbook exercises, worksheets, and teacher-created games/activities. However, the challenge that English teachers now face is leveraging a textbook designed for learning by recall/memory and upgrading to learning via higher order thinking skills like analysis, evaluation, application, and creativity.