x__Adv Google

Advanced Google Web Sites


WRCC: Mondays, November 26 to December 10, 6:00 to 8:30, 7.5 hours, $75, Instructor: Jil MacMenamin

Advanced Google Sites will continue where Creating Google Web Sites left off. We will cover assigning a Domain Name and adding a Google Search to your site, getting recognized by Google as a business, having a listing on Google Maps, getting the statistics on who is visiting your site and advertising your business with Google Tools. Also covered will be Monetize (what it is and how can I use it?), SEO – (Search Engine Optimization), and Google Ad Words (use the words in your advertising people are searching for). This 3 session class is a place to begin understanding the new way of advertising beyond an ad in the newspaper or radio. Class limited to 12 students.

Tuesday Dec 4th - 1pm-4pm, it's FREE and they provide LUNCH

NEAUG.org New England Adobe Users Group Meeting

What if Everything You Think You Know About SEO is Wrong?

Zach Luse of Paragon Digital Marketing

Most SEO strategies are flawed, outdated or completely wrong. Stop optimizing for search engines and start optimizing for your users. You’ll learn who to listen to, who not to listen to, what tools to use and what you should be doing to improve your visibility on search engines and get more search traffic.

10 minutes lightning talks

This is a great way to build up your points towards a production suite from Adobe while sharing your expertise within our membership. Make sure to come prepared to share what you’ve learned about anything NEAUG!

Adobe Software Giveaway!

Make sure to show up to see if you're the lucky winner of a production suite Adobe 6 software give away.